Key words: Bangladesh%Sal forest%agroforestry%ecological attributes%profitability
A study was conducted in Madhupur sal forest of Tangail,Bangladesh to identify the suitable agroforestry practices of the area.Considering the ecological aspects of different agroforestry practices 10 sample plots (10 m × 10 m) from each land uses were taken,including natural forest to get a comparative scenario.The study showed that among the different agroforestry practices,Margalef and ShannonWeiner index values are the maximum for pineapple agroforestry and lower for banana agroforestry,and Evenness index value is the maximum for lemon agroforestry.Determination of tree biomass in different land uses revealed that it is highest (3078.6 kg/100 m2) in natural forest followed by pineapple agroforestry,lemon agroforestry and banana agroforestry.Soil pH,moisture content,organic matter,organic carbon,phosphorus and total nitrogen showed statistically significant variation while bulk density,particle density,sulphur and potassium did not show any statistically significant variation among the land uses.Soil fertility status showed that pineapple agroforestry is more fertile than rest of other land uses.The Net Present Value (NPV) indicated that banana agroforestry is financially more profitable than other two systems,while the BenefitCost ratio (BCR) is higher in pineapple agroforestry (4.21 in participatory agroforestry and 3.35 in privately managed land).Even though banana agroforestry gives higher NPV,capital required for this practice is much higher.The findings suggest that pineapple agroforestry has a tendency towards becoming ecologically and economically more sound than other two practices as it has better ecological attributes and required comparatively low investment.