混交林的生态和经济效益越来越引起人们的关注,为了探讨混交林中各树种的生化关系,研 究了分布于陕西省宁陕县火地塘林场的华山松(Prunus armandii)和锐齿栎(Quercus acutissima)林下土壤及凋落物浸提液对油 松(Prunus tabulaeformis )种子发芽、胚根和幼茎生长的影响.结果表明:各个浓度水平的两种森林林下土壤浸提 液对种子发芽,幼茎生长和胚根生长都无显著影响;各个浓度水平的凋落物浸提液对胚根和 幼茎生长有显著影响,经α=0.05水平检验,1∶10液对胚根生长有显著的促进作用,原 液和1∶20液无显著影响,1∶10液和1∶20液对幼茎生长有显著的促进作用,而原液无显著影响.
混交林的生態和經濟效益越來越引起人們的關註,為瞭探討混交林中各樹種的生化關繫,研 究瞭分佈于陝西省寧陝縣火地塘林場的華山鬆(Prunus armandii)和銳齒櫟(Quercus acutissima)林下土壤及凋落物浸提液對油 鬆(Prunus tabulaeformis )種子髮芽、胚根和幼莖生長的影響.結果錶明:各箇濃度水平的兩種森林林下土壤浸提 液對種子髮芽,幼莖生長和胚根生長都無顯著影響;各箇濃度水平的凋落物浸提液對胚根和 幼莖生長有顯著影響,經α=0.05水平檢驗,1∶10液對胚根生長有顯著的促進作用,原 液和1∶20液無顯著影響,1∶10液和1∶20液對幼莖生長有顯著的促進作用,而原液無顯著影響.
혼교림적생태화경제효익월래월인기인문적관주,위료탐토혼교림중각수충적생화관계,연 구료분포우합서성저협현화지당림장적화산송(Prunus armandii)화예치력(Quercus acutissima)림하토양급조락물침제액대유 송(Prunus tabulaeformis )충자발아、배근화유경생장적영향.결과표명:각개농도수평적량충삼림림하토양침제 액대충자발아,유경생장화배근생장도무현저영향;각개농도수평적조락물침제액대배근화 유경생장유현저영향,경α=0.05수평검험,1∶10액대배근생장유현저적촉진작용,원 액화1∶20액무현저영향,1∶10액화1∶20액대유경생장유현저적촉진작용,이원액무현저영향.
In recent years, much attention has been given to the economic and ecological benefits of mixed forest.In this paper, the grow th of Prunus tabula eformis seed, treated with the aqueous extracts of Prunus armandiii and Quercus acu tissima forest which lies in Ningshan County,Shanxi Province, is studied by v a riance analysis, so that the constitution of trees in the mixed forest is also d iscussed. The results indicate: each concentration level of aqueous extracts from soil un der two kinds of forests has no significant effect on seed-pullulating, radicle and radicle growth; each concentration level of aqueous extracts from forest li tter has significant effect. The concentration of 1∶10 equeous extracts from li tter accelerates the radicle growth significantly, but those of the original and 1 ∶20 have no significant effect; and the concantions of 1∶10 and 1∶20 accelera te the tender stem growth, but the original has no significant effect.