Gastric varices%CT-MIP%Portal hypertension
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of CT-maximum intensity projection (CT-MIP) in the detection of gastric varicesand their inflowing and outflowing vessels in patientswith gastric varices scheduled to undergo balloonoccluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (B-RTO). METHODS: Sixteen patients with endoscopicallyconfirmed gastric varices were included in this study. All patients were evaluated with CT-MIP using threedimensional reconstructions, before and after B-RTO. RESULTS: CT-MIP clearly depicted gastric varices in 16 patients (100%), the left gastric vein in 6 (32.5%),the posterior gastric vein in 12 (75.0%), the short gastric veins in 13 (81.3%), gastrorenal shunts in 16 (100%), the hemiazygos vein (HAZV) in 4 (25.0%), the pericardiophrenic vein (PCPV) in 9 (56.3%), and the left inferior phrenic vein in 9 patients (56.3%). Although flow direction itself cannot be determined from CT-MIP,this modality provided clear images of the inflowing and the outflowing vessels. Moreover, in one patient, short gastric veins were not seen on conventional angiographic portography images of the spleen, but were clearly revealed on CT-MIP,CONCLUSION: We suggest that CT-MIP should be considered as a routine method for detecting and diagnosing collateral veins in patients with gastric varices scheduled for B-RTO. Furthermore, CT-MIP is more useful than endoscopy in verifying the early therapeutic effects of B-RTO.