遗传资源%可持续经营%乡土树种%天 然林%人工林
遺傳資源%可持續經營%鄉土樹種%天 然林%人工林
유전자원%가지속경영%향토수충%천 연림%인공림
分析了我国14个已进行过种源试验 的乡土树种的生长性状变异规律,归纳出一些共同变异特点,这些树种在种源间、地点间 、种源与地点互作效应都达显著或极显著差异,且表 现出明显的地理变异规律。根据这些变异特点及某些树种的分子标记研究结果,对有关天然 林与人工林遗传可持续资源经营进行了分析,认为天然林的可持续经营需要强化生境保护, 采用原境和异境种植保护,减少人为干扰,建议采用适当遗传材料营造不同类型的人工林, 以减少由于基因流动引起的对天然林遗传资源的污染。
分析瞭我國14箇已進行過種源試驗 的鄉土樹種的生長性狀變異規律,歸納齣一些共同變異特點,這些樹種在種源間、地點間 、種源與地點互作效應都達顯著或極顯著差異,且錶 現齣明顯的地理變異規律。根據這些變異特點及某些樹種的分子標記研究結果,對有關天然 林與人工林遺傳可持續資源經營進行瞭分析,認為天然林的可持續經營需要彊化生境保護, 採用原境和異境種植保護,減少人為榦擾,建議採用適噹遺傳材料營造不同類型的人工林, 以減少由于基因流動引起的對天然林遺傳資源的汙染。
분석료아국14개이진행과충원시험 적향토수충적생장성상변이규률,귀납출일사공동변이특점,저사수충재충원간、지점간 、충원여지점호작효응도체현저혹겁현저차이,차표 현출명현적지리변이규률。근거저사변이특점급모사수충적분자표기연구결과,대유관천연 림여인공림유전가지속자원경영진행료분석,인위천연림적가지속경영수요강화생경보호, 채용원경화이경충식보호,감소인위간우,건의채용괄당유전재료영조불동류형적인공림, 이감소유우기인류동인기적대천연림유전자원적오염。
Appropriate treatment of the relationship between natural population a nd plantation is an important part of sustainable management of forest tree gene tic resource. In this paper genetic variation of fourteen autochthonous tree spe cies in China was comprehensively analyzed, including Pinus tabulae formis, Cunni nghamia lanceolata , Pinus massoniana , Ulmus pumila, Pinus armandi, Larix princi pis-rupprechtii, Picea koraiensis, Larix gmelinii, Pinus sylvestris va r. mongol ica, Larix olgensis, Pinus koraiensis, Juglans manclshumca, Platycladus oriental is and Pinus taiwanensis . Prove nance trials of these species had b een conducted and showed that there were many common characteristics of genetic variations in terms of growth traits: the occurrence of significant effects of p r ovenance, site, and interaction between provenance and site, and the existence o f obvious geographic variation in terms of growth traits. Population genetic str uctures of some species assessed using RAPD, allozyme markers, monoterpenes, etc ., were also remarked. By integrating these results, authors discussed some stra t egies for sustainable management of genetic resources in both natural stands and man-made plantations. For natural populations, it is suggested to strengthen e n vironmental protection, ex situ and in situ conservation, and to reduce human be ing disturbance. For plantations, different genetic materials are required so as to reduce the contamination to natural populations caused by gene flow.