Chinese Journal of Dermatology
Sarcoidosis%Cicatrix%Case reports
患者女,54岁.5年前出现全身乏力,双膝关节肿痛,体质量下降.就诊半年前于左眉外侧陈旧瘢痕处出现一硬结.皮疹先后累及躯干和四肢,特别是手部原有陈旧瘢痕处均出现红斑,结节.体检:双腋下淋巴结肿大.左眉外侧一斑块,位于原有瘢痕处.右上臂伸侧可及一皮下肿块,左手瘢痕处和双足底可见多个暗红色结节.左侧前臂及躯干少许散在的红色小丘疹.血清血管紧张素转化酶82 kU/L.CT示两肺散在多发模糊小结节灶,纵隔及腋下多发肿大淋巴结影,双侧肺门淋巴结未肿大.组织病理符合结节病.予甲泼尼龙口服后皮损明显好转.本例皮损同时具有瘢痕、结节、斑块、皮下肿块和丘疹,较为少见.对原有的陈旧性瘢痕出现活动,表现为红肿、结节,是诊断结节病的重要线索.
患者女,54歲.5年前齣現全身乏力,雙膝關節腫痛,體質量下降.就診半年前于左眉外側陳舊瘢痕處齣現一硬結.皮疹先後纍及軀榦和四肢,特彆是手部原有陳舊瘢痕處均齣現紅斑,結節.體檢:雙腋下淋巴結腫大.左眉外側一斑塊,位于原有瘢痕處.右上臂伸側可及一皮下腫塊,左手瘢痕處和雙足底可見多箇暗紅色結節.左側前臂及軀榦少許散在的紅色小丘疹.血清血管緊張素轉化酶82 kU/L.CT示兩肺散在多髮模糊小結節竈,縱隔及腋下多髮腫大淋巴結影,雙側肺門淋巴結未腫大.組織病理符閤結節病.予甲潑尼龍口服後皮損明顯好轉.本例皮損同時具有瘢痕、結節、斑塊、皮下腫塊和丘疹,較為少見.對原有的陳舊性瘢痕齣現活動,錶現為紅腫、結節,是診斷結節病的重要線索.
환자녀,54세.5년전출현전신핍력,쌍슬관절종통,체질량하강.취진반년전우좌미외측진구반흔처출현일경결.피진선후루급구간화사지,특별시수부원유진구반흔처균출현홍반,결절.체검:쌍액하림파결종대.좌미외측일반괴,위우원유반흔처.우상비신측가급일피하종괴,좌수반흔처화쌍족저가견다개암홍색결절.좌측전비급구간소허산재적홍색소구진.혈청혈관긴장소전화매82 kU/L.CT시량폐산재다발모호소결절조,종격급액하다발종대림파결영,쌍측폐문림파결미종대.조직병리부합결절병.여갑발니룡구복후피손명현호전.본례피손동시구유반흔、결절、반괴、피하종괴화구진,교위소견.대원유적진구성반흔출현활동,표현위홍종、결절,시진단결절병적중요선색.
A 54-year-old woman presented with a five-year history of malaise with weight loss and arthralgia of both knee joints. Six months prior to the presentation, an indurated nodule developed at the site of an old scar on the temporal side of left eyebrow. Subsequently, erythema and nodules spread over the trunk and extremities, especially at the sites of old scars on the hands. Physical examination showed bilateral axillary lymphadenectasis, a plaque at the site of an old scar on the temporal side of left eyebrow, a subcutaneous mass at the extensor aspect of the right upper arm, multiple dark-erythematous nodules at the site of scars on the left hand and both soles, few small erythematous papules scattered on the left forearm and trunk. The serum angiotensin converting enzyme concentration was high (82 kU/L). Computer tomography of thorax showed multiple obscure tubercles in both lungs and swollen lymph nodes in mediastina and axillary fossa, but no hilum pulmonis lymphadenectasis was observed. Histopathology revealed non-caseating granulomas with multinucleated giant cells. Neither acid-fast bacilli nor PAS staining was positive. A diagnosis of scar sarcoidosis was established. The lesions obviously improved after one-month treatment with oral methylprednisolone. This case represents a rare subtype of sarcoidosis that arose in old sears and clinically manifests as scar, nodules,plaques, subcutaneous masses and papules. The reactivation of old scars, which manifests as erythematous swelling and nodules, may highly suggest the diagnosis of sarcoidosis.