PetroChina%natural gas%exploitation technology%management%innovation%knowledge%experience
中国石油西南油气田公司重组改制成立10年来,天然气开发呈现跨越式发展,产量增长近一倍,2004年产量过100×10~8 m~3,2006年油气当量突破一千万吨,四川油气田成为国内首个以天然气生产为主的千万吨级大油气田.所取得的发展成果与始终坚持"三个创新"是分不开的.①思想创新,不断拓展开发新领域:创新开发思路,上三叠统须家河组低渗透气藏实现规模效益开发;创新开发建设模式,高含硫气田安全清洁开发有序推进;立体开发与滚动勘探开发相结合,老气田开发新领域见到实效.②科技创新,集成发展了五大技术系列:提高气田采收率配套技术、低渗透气藏规模效益开发配套技术、高含硫气田安全清洁开发配套技术、钻井提速工程配套技术、地面建设工程配套技术.③管理创新,优化资源配置:勘探开发一体化,加快了开发建设步伐;精细管理挖潜,老气田实现持续稳产;统筹规划,加快建设,生产系统保障能力大幅提升;深化作业机制改革,提高气田开发效益;产运销一体化管理保障供气,切实履行了政治、经济、社会"三大责任".
中國石油西南油氣田公司重組改製成立10年來,天然氣開髮呈現跨越式髮展,產量增長近一倍,2004年產量過100×10~8 m~3,2006年油氣噹量突破一韆萬噸,四川油氣田成為國內首箇以天然氣生產為主的韆萬噸級大油氣田.所取得的髮展成果與始終堅持"三箇創新"是分不開的.①思想創新,不斷拓展開髮新領域:創新開髮思路,上三疊統鬚傢河組低滲透氣藏實現規模效益開髮;創新開髮建設模式,高含硫氣田安全清潔開髮有序推進;立體開髮與滾動勘探開髮相結閤,老氣田開髮新領域見到實效.②科技創新,集成髮展瞭五大技術繫列:提高氣田採收率配套技術、低滲透氣藏規模效益開髮配套技術、高含硫氣田安全清潔開髮配套技術、鑽井提速工程配套技術、地麵建設工程配套技術.③管理創新,優化資源配置:勘探開髮一體化,加快瞭開髮建設步伐;精細管理挖潛,老氣田實現持續穩產;統籌規劃,加快建設,生產繫統保障能力大幅提升;深化作業機製改革,提高氣田開髮效益;產運銷一體化管理保障供氣,切實履行瞭政治、經濟、社會"三大責任".
중국석유서남유기전공사중조개제성립10년래,천연기개발정현과월식발전,산량증장근일배,2004년산량과100×10~8 m~3,2006년유기당량돌파일천만둔,사천유기전성위국내수개이천연기생산위주적천만둔급대유기전.소취득적발전성과여시종견지"삼개창신"시분불개적.①사상창신,불단탁전개발신영역:창신개발사로,상삼첩통수가하조저삼투기장실현규모효익개발;창신개발건설모식,고함류기전안전청길개발유서추진;입체개발여곤동감탐개발상결합,로기전개발신영역견도실효.②과기창신,집성발전료오대기술계렬:제고기전채수솔배투기술、저삼투기장규모효익개발배투기술、고함류기전안전청길개발배투기술、찬정제속공정배투기술、지면건설공정배투기술.③관리창신,우화자원배치:감탐개발일체화,가쾌료개발건설보벌;정세관리알잠,로기전실현지속은산;통주규화,가쾌건설,생산계통보장능력대폭제승;심화작업궤제개혁,제고기전개발효익;산운소일체화관리보장공기,절실리행료정치、경제、사회"삼대책임".
Since implementing the reform and reorganization 10 years ago, the PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company has stepped into a new era of great-leap-forward development in natural gas discovery and production, and has become the first giant oil and gas company in China who owns a giant gas-dominated field with the productivity of oil and gas over 10 million tons since 2006. The productivity of natural gas in this company increased from 7.5 bcm in 1999 to 14.8 bcm in 2008, with an annual growth rate of 10% in the last decade. An overview of the 10 years of experience shows that the achieved success is attributed to the innovation in three aspects: a. Innovative thinking helps the company to explore more new areas in gas exploration and development. Guided by new exploitation strategies, more industrial shows have been explored from the Xujiahe Formation low-permeability gas reservoirs; by many improved exploitation means, high sour gas fields have been developed in a safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way, and more gas has been found from mature gas fields by the way of three-dimensional and progressive exploration and development. b. Innovative technology impels the company to develop its five integrated technical series in the enhancement of gas recovery, the industrial-scale development of low-permeability gas reservoirs, safe, the cost-effective and environmentally friendly development of high sour gas fields, the increase of ROP, and the ground construction. c. Innovative management drives the company to optimize resource distribution. The integrated exploration and exploitation fastens the speed of gas development, fine management stimulates mature gas fields to maintain their steady production, overall planning and fast construction keep the gas production system under smooth operation, the deepened reform and the optimized operation improve the profit of gas field, and the integrated management of gas production, transportation and marketing guarantees gas supply and helps the company to implement its political, social and economic responsibilities.