National Medical Journal of China
Floxacin%Urogenital system%Surgery%Infection%Antibiotic prevention
目的 观察左氧氟沙星(可乐必妥)针剂与片剂序贯疗法预防女性压力性尿失禁手术围手术期感染的临床疗效和安全性.方法 对象为85例因压力性尿失禁而接受尿道中段悬吊带术患者,平均年龄58岁,平均体重63 kg.对其中24例切除子宫患者予以左氧氟沙星500 mg,每日1次,静脉滴注;序贯片剂500 mg,每日1次口服.对61例单纯行悬吊带术者予以左氧氟沙星500 mg单剂量静脉滴注,序贯口服片剂预防术后感染,观察临床有效性和不良反应.结果 切除子宫患者平均静脉用药时间2.5 d,序贯口服用药5.7 d.单纯行吊带术患者单剂量静脉滴注后序贯片剂的平均治疗时间为3.2 d.81例患者围手术期未出现感染,预防感染的有效率为95.3%,其中61例单纯行悬吊带术患者中无一例出现感染,预防感染的有效率为100%.全部患者中仅3例出现轻微胃肠道反应,2例出现皮疹,副反应发生率为5.9%.结论 左氧氟沙星针剂与片剂序贯疗法预防妇科泌尿手术围手术期感染有效率高、安全性好.
目的 觀察左氧氟沙星(可樂必妥)針劑與片劑序貫療法預防女性壓力性尿失禁手術圍手術期感染的臨床療效和安全性.方法 對象為85例因壓力性尿失禁而接受尿道中段懸弔帶術患者,平均年齡58歲,平均體重63 kg.對其中24例切除子宮患者予以左氧氟沙星500 mg,每日1次,靜脈滴註;序貫片劑500 mg,每日1次口服.對61例單純行懸弔帶術者予以左氧氟沙星500 mg單劑量靜脈滴註,序貫口服片劑預防術後感染,觀察臨床有效性和不良反應.結果 切除子宮患者平均靜脈用藥時間2.5 d,序貫口服用藥5.7 d.單純行弔帶術患者單劑量靜脈滴註後序貫片劑的平均治療時間為3.2 d.81例患者圍手術期未齣現感染,預防感染的有效率為95.3%,其中61例單純行懸弔帶術患者中無一例齣現感染,預防感染的有效率為100%.全部患者中僅3例齣現輕微胃腸道反應,2例齣現皮疹,副反應髮生率為5.9%.結論 左氧氟沙星針劑與片劑序貫療法預防婦科泌尿手術圍手術期感染有效率高、安全性好.
목적 관찰좌양불사성(가악필타)침제여편제서관요법예방녀성압력성뇨실금수술위수술기감염적림상료효화안전성.방법 대상위85례인압력성뇨실금이접수뇨도중단현조대술환자,평균년령58세,평균체중63 kg.대기중24례절제자궁환자여이좌양불사성500 mg,매일1차,정맥적주;서관편제500 mg,매일1차구복.대61례단순행현조대술자여이좌양불사성500 mg단제량정맥적주,서관구복편제예방술후감염,관찰림상유효성화불량반응.결과 절제자궁환자평균정맥용약시간2.5 d,서관구복용약5.7 d.단순행조대술환자단제량정맥적주후서관편제적평균치료시간위3.2 d.81례환자위수술기미출현감염,예방감염적유효솔위95.3%,기중61례단순행현조대술환자중무일례출현감염,예방감염적유효솔위100%.전부환자중부3례출현경미위장도반응,2례출현피진,부반응발생솔위5.9%.결론 좌양불사성침제여편제서관요법예방부과비뇨수술위수술기감염유효솔고、안전성호.
Objective To investigate the effect and safety of sequential therapy of levofloxacin in prevention of peri-operative infection among female patients undergoing surgery for stress urinary incontinence (SUI).Methods 85 female SUI patients,aged 58,with the average body weisht of 63 g,underwent transvaginal tape(TVT)procedure.Levofloxacin 500 mg was given to 24 of the 85 patients who underwent simultaneous hysterectomy by intravenous iniection since l day after the operation once a day and then given orally once a day for 4-8 days when the condition was improved.And levofloxacin 500 mg was given by intravenous injection to 61 of the 85 patients who were to underwent simple TVT 30 min before the operation and then was given orally 500 mg once a day for 4 days.The clinical efficacy and side reaction were observed.ResulIs The average duration of intravenous iniection of levofloxacin in the patients who underwent hysterectomy was 2.5 d.and the duration of oral administration of levofloxacin was 5.7 d.The duration of oral administration of levofloxacin in the patients who underwent simple TVT was 3.2 d.No infection Wris seen in 85 patients with an eficient rate of 95.3%.No infection was found in all the 61 patients who underwent simple TVT with an efficient prevention rate of 100%.The overall side reaction rate was 5.9%.Only 3 patients showed mild gastroenterological reaction and 2 patients showed rashes. Conclmion Sequential therapy of levofloxacin is effective and safe in prevention of peri-operative infection in female patients undergoing surgery for stress urinary incontinence.