溶磷细菌Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401%盐渍土壤%小麦
溶燐細菌Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401%鹽漬土壤%小麥
용린세균Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401%염지토양%소맥
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria%Saline soil%Wheat%Salt stress%Alleviation
盆栽试验结果表明,溶磷菌Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401能较好地在盐渍土壤中定植,并对小麦的生长和矿质营养的吸收有促进作用.与对照相比,生长在经接菌处理盐渍土中的小麦,其地上部分和根系的干重增加了28.1%和14.6%,植株中对磷、钙、钾和镁的吸收率分别提高了34.4%、36.3%、31.5%、6.3%.该菌株所表现出来的对盐渍土壤中磷素有效性的提高、对小麦吸收K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、P等矿质营养的促进作用以及小麦生长与矿质营养元素吸收之间高度的相关性表明,溶磷菌株Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401对盐胁迫下小麦生长的促进效应主要是通过改善盐渍土中部分矿质营养的供应,增强植株对P、Ca,Mg、K等营养元素的选择性吸收而实现,该效应受到土壤盐分和营养基质的影响.
盆栽試驗結果錶明,溶燐菌Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401能較好地在鹽漬土壤中定植,併對小麥的生長和礦質營養的吸收有促進作用.與對照相比,生長在經接菌處理鹽漬土中的小麥,其地上部分和根繫的榦重增加瞭28.1%和14.6%,植株中對燐、鈣、鉀和鎂的吸收率分彆提高瞭34.4%、36.3%、31.5%、6.3%.該菌株所錶現齣來的對鹽漬土壤中燐素有效性的提高、對小麥吸收K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、P等礦質營養的促進作用以及小麥生長與礦質營養元素吸收之間高度的相關性錶明,溶燐菌株Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401對鹽脅迫下小麥生長的促進效應主要是通過改善鹽漬土中部分礦質營養的供應,增彊植株對P、Ca,Mg、K等營養元素的選擇性吸收而實現,該效應受到土壤鹽分和營養基質的影響.
분재시험결과표명,용린균Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401능교호지재염지토양중정식,병대소맥적생장화광질영양적흡수유촉진작용.여대조상비,생장재경접균처리염지토중적소맥,기지상부분화근계적간중증가료28.1%화14.6%,식주중대린、개、갑화미적흡수솔분별제고료34.4%、36.3%、31.5%、6.3%.해균주소표현출래적대염지토양중린소유효성적제고、대소맥흡수K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、P등광질영양적촉진작용이급소맥생장여광질영양원소흡수지간고도적상관성표명,용린균주Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401대염협박하소맥생장적촉진효응주요시통과개선염지토중부분광질영양적공응,증강식주대P、Ca,Mg、K등영양원소적선택성흡수이실현,해효응수도토양염분화영양기질적영향.
A pot experiment was conducted to examine the effects of a phosphate solubilizing bacterium(PSB), Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401, on the availability of insoluble accumulative phosphorus(P) and growth of wheat (Triticum Ningmai No. 13) plants in sterile saline soil. Our results showed that the strain EnHy-401 had the ability to activate the insoluble accumulated phosphorus in saline soil and enhanced nutrient uptake efficiency by wheat plants, then conferred resistance in wheat plants to salt stress and resulted in a significant growth increase. In saline soil inoculated with Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401, available phosphorus and exchangeable calcium was increased from 6.4 mg/kg and 1 162 mg/kg to 10.3 mg/kg and 1 214 mg/kg, respectively. Wheat seedling grown in soil inoculated with the EnHy-401 strain increased shoot weight by 28.1% and root weight by 14.6% when compared to the control. P, Ca, K and Mg contents in shoots increased 34.4%, 36.3%, 31.5%, and 6.3% compared to the control, respectively. the fact that the increases in available P, biomass P, and Ca2+ concentration in saline soil treated with PSB Enterobacter sp. EnHy-401 inocula, and high relativity between the P, Ca, K, and Mg content in wheat tissue and dry matter indicated that PSB Enterobacter sp. EnHy-401 suppressed the adverse effect of salinity stress in plants through nutrient (P and Ca) supply and nutrient (K and Mg) uptake enhancement. The phosphate solubilizing activity of Enterobacteria sp. EnHy-401 and the amelioration of salt stress on wheat plants by the strain varied with the salinity levels and content of organic matter in the saline soil.