Roach Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus,1758)%Growth back-calculation methods%Scale%Lapillus%Ulungur Lake
研究以鳞片和微耳石为生长退算材料,用4种常用的鱼类生长退算方法(Dahl-Lea、Regression、Fraser-Lee和BPH方法)对新疆乌伦古湖拟鲤(Rutilus Linnaeus,1758)的生长进行了退算,比较分析了退算材料和方法对退算全长的影响,以此确定适宜的生长退算材料和方法.结果显示,无论采用哪种退算方法,用微耳石退算拟鲤生长的结果均好于鳞片,表现为退算全长更接近实测全长,与实测体长之间的差异百分比更小.用鳞片退算时,Dahl-Lea方法退算全长远小于实测全长,整体差异百分比高达-26.0%,与其他方法之间的差异也较大,效果最差;Regression、Fraser-Lee和BPH三种方法退算全长与实测全长之间的差异相近,差异百分比分别为-6.7%、7.0%和7.0%.用微耳石退算时,Dabl-Lea方法退算全长最接近实测全长,退算全长与实测全长之间的差异百分比最小,总体仅为-1.9%,效果最好;Fraser-Lee和BPH方法各龄退算全长与实测全长之间的差异百分比相等,在-1.4%--3.2%之间,总体均为-2.6%,效果次之;Regression方法与Fraser-Lee和BPH方法之间虽然无显著差异,但退算全长与实测全长之间的差异百分比最大,总体为-4.5%,效果最差.
研究以鱗片和微耳石為生長退算材料,用4種常用的魚類生長退算方法(Dahl-Lea、Regression、Fraser-Lee和BPH方法)對新疆烏倫古湖擬鯉(Rutilus Linnaeus,1758)的生長進行瞭退算,比較分析瞭退算材料和方法對退算全長的影響,以此確定適宜的生長退算材料和方法.結果顯示,無論採用哪種退算方法,用微耳石退算擬鯉生長的結果均好于鱗片,錶現為退算全長更接近實測全長,與實測體長之間的差異百分比更小.用鱗片退算時,Dahl-Lea方法退算全長遠小于實測全長,整體差異百分比高達-26.0%,與其他方法之間的差異也較大,效果最差;Regression、Fraser-Lee和BPH三種方法退算全長與實測全長之間的差異相近,差異百分比分彆為-6.7%、7.0%和7.0%.用微耳石退算時,Dabl-Lea方法退算全長最接近實測全長,退算全長與實測全長之間的差異百分比最小,總體僅為-1.9%,效果最好;Fraser-Lee和BPH方法各齡退算全長與實測全長之間的差異百分比相等,在-1.4%--3.2%之間,總體均為-2.6%,效果次之;Regression方法與Fraser-Lee和BPH方法之間雖然無顯著差異,但退算全長與實測全長之間的差異百分比最大,總體為-4.5%,效果最差.
연구이린편화미이석위생장퇴산재료,용4충상용적어류생장퇴산방법(Dahl-Lea、Regression、Fraser-Lee화BPH방법)대신강오륜고호의리(Rutilus Linnaeus,1758)적생장진행료퇴산,비교분석료퇴산재료화방법대퇴산전장적영향,이차학정괄의적생장퇴산재료화방법.결과현시,무론채용나충퇴산방법,용미이석퇴산의리생장적결과균호우린편,표현위퇴산전장경접근실측전장,여실측체장지간적차이백분비경소.용린편퇴산시,Dahl-Lea방법퇴산전장원소우실측전장,정체차이백분비고체-26.0%,여기타방법지간적차이야교대,효과최차;Regression、Fraser-Lee화BPH삼충방법퇴산전장여실측전장지간적차이상근,차이백분비분별위-6.7%、7.0%화7.0%.용미이석퇴산시,Dabl-Lea방법퇴산전장최접근실측전장,퇴산전장여실측전장지간적차이백분비최소,총체부위-1.9%,효과최호;Fraser-Lee화BPH방법각령퇴산전장여실측전장지간적차이백분비상등,재-1.4%--3.2%지간,총체균위-2.6%,효과차지;Regression방법여Fraser-Lee화BPH방법지간수연무현저차이,단퇴산전장여실측전장지간적차이백분비최대,총체위-4.5%,효과최차.
Back-calculation, which uses a set of measurements from the bony structures in the age determination and its current body length at one time to infer its length at an earlier time or times, is a very important tool in fisheries research and management. Because a lot of bony structures can be used in age determination, and the relationship between the chosen structure and the body length of fish also can be described with various linear or non-linear equations, several back-calculation models have been proposed. In order to expand confidence in estimation of growth parameters of a particular fish species, it is necessary to obtain a comparison of back-calculated lengths from different structures and models.``The present study dealt with the suitable calcified tissues and methods used for growth back-calculation of roach Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Ulungur Lake, the second largest lake of Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, one of the tenth freshwater lakes in China. Two calcified tissues (scales and lapilli) and four common back-calculation methods (Dahl-Lea, Regression, Fraser-Lee and BPH) were utilized for growth back-calculation. The reliability was evaluated by comparing the back-calculated lengths at ages with observed lengths at the annuli formation. It was shown that the back-calculated lengths obtained by the lapilli were more reliable than those obtained by scales, with smaller differences from observed lengths. So, it was demonstrated that the lapilli were the better material both for age determination and back-calculation of roach. For scales, the Dahl-Lea method provided the most unreliable estimates of fish lengths at previous ages, with the largest differences from the observed length (-26.0%), it also had significant differences from the other three methods. The differences between the back-calculated lengths from the Regression, Fraser-Lee and BPH method and the observed lengths were very close, which was -6.7%, -7.0% and -7.0% respectively. It indicated that the three methods were equal for the back-calculation of roach. For lapilli, the Dahl-Lea was the best method for the back-calculation of roach with the smallest (-1.9%) difference from the observed lengths. The Regression method was the worst one with the largest difference from the observed lengths (-4.5%). The Fraser-Lee method provided the similar results with the BPH method and the differences from the observed lengths were both between -1.4% and -3.2%, averaged -2.6%. They were secondary for growth back-calculation of roach.