Spectral analysis%Soil moisture content%Soil organic matter%Opencast coal overburden dumps
以辽宁海州煤矿露天排土场为研究对象,分析了地表土壤光谱特征以及反射光谱与地表土壤参数的相关性.土壤反射光谱分析结果表明:不同排土年限光谱反射率随排土年限的增长而降低;不同土质中灰土和混合土的水分吸收谷表征不明显,红壤土、黄土和红砂土光谱反射率以红壤土为最高,以下依次为黄土和红砂土.土壤反射光谱与土壤参数相关性分析结果表明:有机质含量与反射光谱相关性最高处的相关系数为-0.76,其他参数与反射光谱相关系数较低.建立土壤有机质含量预测模型(建模R~2<C>=0.737 4,模型检验R~2_V=0.682 4)满足检测要求.分析了 1 910和1 943 nm处光谱反射率与土壤含水量之间的关系,结果表明由于排土场土壤的多样件和复杂性,土壤全样本光谱反射率与土壤含水量之间呈非线性相关,分别依年代、土质分组后,土壤光谱反射率与土壤含水量均呈线性相关.
以遼寧海州煤礦露天排土場為研究對象,分析瞭地錶土壤光譜特徵以及反射光譜與地錶土壤參數的相關性.土壤反射光譜分析結果錶明:不同排土年限光譜反射率隨排土年限的增長而降低;不同土質中灰土和混閤土的水分吸收穀錶徵不明顯,紅壤土、黃土和紅砂土光譜反射率以紅壤土為最高,以下依次為黃土和紅砂土.土壤反射光譜與土壤參數相關性分析結果錶明:有機質含量與反射光譜相關性最高處的相關繫數為-0.76,其他參數與反射光譜相關繫數較低.建立土壤有機質含量預測模型(建模R~2<C>=0.737 4,模型檢驗R~2_V=0.682 4)滿足檢測要求.分析瞭 1 910和1 943 nm處光譜反射率與土壤含水量之間的關繫,結果錶明由于排土場土壤的多樣件和複雜性,土壤全樣本光譜反射率與土壤含水量之間呈非線性相關,分彆依年代、土質分組後,土壤光譜反射率與土壤含水量均呈線性相關.
이료녕해주매광로천배토장위연구대상,분석료지표토양광보특정이급반사광보여지표토양삼수적상관성.토양반사광보분석결과표명:불동배토년한광보반사솔수배토년한적증장이강저;불동토질중회토화혼합토적수분흡수곡표정불명현,홍양토、황토화홍사토광보반사솔이홍양토위최고,이하의차위황토화홍사토.토양반사광보여토양삼수상관성분석결과표명:유궤질함량여반사광보상관성최고처적상관계수위-0.76,기타삼수여반사광보상관계수교저.건립토양유궤질함량예측모형(건모R~2<C>=0.737 4,모형검험R~2_V=0.682 4)만족검측요구.분석료 1 910화1 943 nm처광보반사솔여토양함수량지간적관계,결과표명유우배토장토양적다양건화복잡성,토양전양본광보반사솔여토양함수량지간정비선성상관,분별의년대、토질분조후,토양광보반사솔여토양함수량균정선성상관.
The surface soil samples of Fuxin opencast coal overburden dumps were collected in the field and the spectral reflec-tance and characteristic parameters of the soil samples, such as moisture content, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), available po-tassium (K~+) content, and soil organic matter content (SOM), were measured. The Analysis results indicated that the curves of the soil spectral reflectance decreased with increasing the laid years. The possible reasons were the influences of soil texture and color. Although the valleys of the spectral reflectance appeared at 1 420, 1 910 and 2 210 nm, they were not conspicuous on the lime soil and mixture soil reflectance curves at 1 420 and 2 210 nm. With discussing the spectral reflectance of different types of soil texture, it's easy to find that the reflectance of fine grained soil was higher than the rough grained soil Correlations be-tween soil spectral reflectance and soil parameters were analyzed. The results showed that there was a positive relation between reflectance and pH, and correlation coefficient decreased with the wavelength increasing There was no relationship between spec-tral reflectance and EC, and negative relations were observed between spectral reflectance and soil parameters, K+ and SOM, re-spectively. A high correlation coefficient was found between spectral reflectance and SOM, and the highest correlation coefficient reached-0.76. The exponential correlation was found between sol spectral reflectance and soil moisture content to analyze all samples. According to different years and textures, more detail was described about the correlation between spectral reflectance of characteristic wavelength (1 910 and 1 943 nm) and soil moisture content. Meanwhile, the linear correlations were found un-der different conditions and higher correlation coefficients were obtained. In order to estimate SOM, five wavelengths (1 350, 1 602, 1 862, 2 160 and 2 227 nm) were selected based on principal component analysis to build a multiple linear regression mod-eL The multiple correlation coefficient of calibration model (R_C~2) was 0. 737 4, and the multiple correlation coefficient of valida-tion (R_V~2) was 0. 682 4. It indicated that the model was able to meet the needs of monitoring SOM in Fuxin opencast coal mine