Allelopathic activity%Alkaloid%Elodea nuttallii%Microcystin aeruginosa
藻类暴发性生长是水体富营养化带来的环境问题之一,利用植物化感作用抑制藻类生长作为一种新型的生物抑藻技术在近年来开始受到研究者的重视,并取得了一定的研究成果.文章采用GC-MS联用技术鉴定出伊乐藻中的9种生物碱成分,还研究了其总生物碱对铜绿微囊藻的化感作用.结果发现添加总生物碱的处理组中铜绿微囊藻生物量均受到了抑制,在总生物碱的浓度为62.0 mg/L时,3d后铜绿微囊藻的抑制率为44.0%,表明伊乐藻总生物碱对铜绿微囊藻的生物量增长具有明显的抑制作用.该结论为通过沉水植物恢复富营养化水体提供了重要依据.
藻類暴髮性生長是水體富營養化帶來的環境問題之一,利用植物化感作用抑製藻類生長作為一種新型的生物抑藻技術在近年來開始受到研究者的重視,併取得瞭一定的研究成果.文章採用GC-MS聯用技術鑒定齣伊樂藻中的9種生物堿成分,還研究瞭其總生物堿對銅綠微囊藻的化感作用.結果髮現添加總生物堿的處理組中銅綠微囊藻生物量均受到瞭抑製,在總生物堿的濃度為62.0 mg/L時,3d後銅綠微囊藻的抑製率為44.0%,錶明伊樂藻總生物堿對銅綠微囊藻的生物量增長具有明顯的抑製作用.該結論為通過沉水植物恢複富營養化水體提供瞭重要依據.
조류폭발성생장시수체부영양화대래적배경문제지일,이용식물화감작용억제조류생장작위일충신형적생물억조기술재근년래개시수도연구자적중시,병취득료일정적연구성과.문장채용GC-MS련용기술감정출이악조중적9충생물감성분,환연구료기총생물감대동록미낭조적화감작용.결과발현첨가총생물감적처리조중동록미낭조생물량균수도료억제,재총생물감적농도위62.0 mg/L시,3d후동록미낭조적억제솔위44.0%,표명이악조총생물감대동록미낭조적생물량증장구유명현적억제작용.해결론위통과침수식물회복부영양화수체제공료중요의거.
Eutrophication leads a mass of algae, and algae bloom directly influence the ecological function of water bodies and the safety of drinking water. It is very important to control the growth and reproduction of blooming algae for fishery, industrial and agricultural production as well as for the health of humans. Although some methods have been proposed to control harmful algal growth, only a few are applicable due to high cost, secondary pollution, or impracticability. The commonly used algicides, such as copper (Cu~(2+)) and organic herbicide, can inhibit the entire pbytoplankton community and cause subsequent water quality deterioration that may stress or kill aquatic animals. Furthermore, copper might accumulate in the bodies of aquatic predators, and herbicides might be toxic to all the living species in the water body. Therefore, it is necessary to explore an effective and secure new method to control the growth of harmful algae.Submerged macrophytes can reduce harmful algae blooms to maintain clear water in natural and experimental aquatic ecosystems. Using allelochemicals, which were produced by some macrophytes, to inhibit the growth of some harmful algae has been reported, but the allelopathic effects of alkaloids from submerged macrophytes were not found. In this study, the alkaloids of Elodea nuttallii were extracted by ethanol and then fractionated with some chemical reagent. The alkaloids compounds were analyzed by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Mass fragments of the components were compared to the mass fragmentation data contained in the NIST 02.9 alkaloids were identified from Elodea nuttallii by GC-MS, and the allelopathic effects of the alkaloids were also explored by bioassay of Microcystin aeruginosa. The alkaloids from Elodea nuttallii inhibited obviously to the growth of M. aeruginosa with the inhibition rate of 44.0% for three days, when the concentration of alkaloids were 62.0 mg/L. The alkaloids were a complicated mixture, which further purification was a challenging job. The detailed components of alkaloids were not clear now, but the result of bioassay showed that there were active constituents in alkaloids which provide a useful information for further study of the allelochemical in submerged macrophytes.