江剑民%Klaus Fraedrich%邹耀仁
江劍民%Klaus Fraedrich%鄒耀仁
강검민%Klaus Fraedrich%추요인
A scanning t test of multi-scale abrupt changes is introduced byextending the student t test,which detects the difference between two subsample means. It is shown that this algorithm has not only the capacity similar to Haar wavelet transform coefficient W(a,b) for detection of multi-scale abrupt changes,but also gives the statistic significance threshold,which the wavelet analysis can not do. The subsample size n (comparative to the scale parameter a in W(a,b)) of the statistic t(n,j) may vary successively without limitation of integer power of 2 as in the wavelet transform for a discrete series,so that the algorithm may detect any longer signal series like a scanner. However,this algorithm is not a decomposition tool because the second momentum,the variance,is involved. In addition,a correction to the Effective Degrees of Freedom (Ef) of t test is adopted for the dependency of an observation series to be detected. A coherence detection of abrupt changes between two signal series is carried out. The results of an application to historic series (AD622-1470) of the maximum and minimum flood levels of the Nile River reveal objectively that there appears some abrupt changes in phase and out of phase on certain scales between the two series. The relative dry and wet phases on around 0.5—1.5 century scale are further repartitioned following this detection. And these dry/wet phases coincide better with historic records of catastrophe in Egypt found so far and are some improvements upon previous researches.