引进日本丰田汽车维修课程体系推动我国职业教育教学改革——"丰田汽车公司TEAM21一级、二级课程试验项目说明会"在京召开引進日本豐田汽車維脩課程體繫推動我國職業教育教學改革——"豐田汽車公司TEAM21一級、二級課程試驗項目說明會"在京召開 인진일본봉전기차유수과정체계추동아국직업교육교학개혁——"봉전기차공사TEAM21일급、이급과정시험항목설명회"재경소개 To introduce the curriculum system of Toyota auto maintenance and repair in Japan and to push instruction reform of VET in our country ——The Pilot Project Description Meeting for the Level 1,Level 2 of TEAM21 Curriculum of Toyota Auto Company held in Beijing
中国职业技术教育中國職業技術教育중국직업기술교육 Chinese Vocational and Technical Education 2006年28期15-16,共2页