main peak of the Xueshan%glacial relics%Last Glaciation
台湾高山有无第四纪冰川之争,经历60a后终于得到澄清.此次查明台湾雪山主峰区有3套 不同时期的冰川遗迹.如冰斗湖、冰坎、大型磨光面和擦痕以及冰碛垄等,分别命名为山庄冰阶(末 次冰期早期.44.25±3.72ka BP)、黑森林冰阶(末次冰期最盛,18.26±1.52 ka BP)、雪山冰阶(末次冰 期晚期,10.68±0.84 ka BP)尤其以早期冰川规模大为特征.澄清了地学界近65a来的怀疑,将为 全球变化研究增添新内容.
檯灣高山有無第四紀冰川之爭,經歷60a後終于得到澄清.此次查明檯灣雪山主峰區有3套 不同時期的冰川遺跡.如冰鬥湖、冰坎、大型磨光麵和抆痕以及冰磧壟等,分彆命名為山莊冰階(末 次冰期早期.44.25±3.72ka BP)、黑森林冰階(末次冰期最盛,18.26±1.52 ka BP)、雪山冰階(末次冰 期晚期,10.68±0.84 ka BP)尤其以早期冰川規模大為特徵.澄清瞭地學界近65a來的懷疑,將為 全毬變化研究增添新內容.
태만고산유무제사기빙천지쟁,경력60a후종우득도징청.차차사명태만설산주봉구유3투 불동시기적빙천유적.여빙두호、빙감、대형마광면화찰흔이급빙적롱등,분별명명위산장빙계(말 차빙기조기.44.25±3.72ka BP)、흑삼림빙계(말차빙기최성,18.26±1.52 ka BP)、설산빙계(말차빙 기만기,10.68±0.84 ka BP)우기이조기빙천규모대위특정.징청료지학계근65a래적부의,장위 전구변화연구증첨신내용.
There were glaciers or not in the high moun- tains of Taiwan during the Quaternary is an argument for 67 years (1932-1998), but now it is soluted. It is found at the summer of 1998 that there are many rel- ics of the paleoglaciers in Xueshan of Taiwan above 3 000 m. A.s.l., ranging they are three stages of the Last Glaciation (L.G.).tbe Shanzhuang stage (early stage of L.G., 44.25±3.72 ka BP), the Heisenlin stage (Max. L. G., 18.26±1.52 ka BP) and the Xueshan stage (late stage of L.G.). The main feature of evolu- tion of the Last Glaciation is that the early stage was the Maximum one. The depression of ice erosion of U-shaped Val- ley No.2 was 7 m lower than the top of the crosswall, but the original lake sediment in the depression has been covered by the gravel of taluvium, so the height difference from the top of the crosswall to the bottom of the depression is more than 10 m. Polished surface of the broad in scale and striation was discovered in the southern side of the middle of U-shaped Valley No. 1, which is located in the Black Forest 200 m high- er than the directory board of the water source and at 3 400 m in altitude. It is estimated that this crosswall could be a cirque mouth of the Shanzhuang glacial stage. There are glacial moraine banks corresponding to the above mentioned depression of ice erosion and the crosswall outside of the crosswall of U-shaped Valley No.2, and a lateral moraine bank on the eastern side of this valley. There are moraine materials of three different periods corresponding to the landform of ice erosion on U-shaped Valley No.I. There is a highland of glacial moraine nearby the Village 369. The length of the glacier was estimated to be about 4 km and the snow line to be 3 400 m in alti- tude. There are some glacial moraine banks nearby the water source of the black forest. Glacier was esti- mated to be about 3 km in length, its ancient snow line was estimated to be about 3 500 m in altitude, the same as the upper limit of the forest at present. There is a small lateral moraine bank and a moraine highland from the tree line (3 500 m) on the U-shape d Valley No.l to 3 700 m on the northern steep slope of the main peak of the Xueshan. Glacier was esti- mated to be about 1.5 km in length, and snow line to be about 3 700 m in altitude.