Erqi Changjiang River Bridge in Wuhan%foundation%bored pile%construction
武汉二七长江大桥为主跨616 m三塔结合梁斜拉桥.5号墩为边主塔墩,共28根直径为2.8 m的钻孔灌注桩,其地处岸边块石抛填防护带,深埋承台8~12 m,在确保岸滩稳定的前提下,针对钢护筒插打、建立钻孔平台;利用枯水期先安装钢板桩围堰内支撑到位,以便钢板桩插打和钻孔桩施工同步进行;承台施工等过程,以及施工工期紧,上游侧有码头、北侧有加油船未搬迁,作业面狭小等难点,重点介绍在有限施工条件下,利用雪浪号400 t全回转吊船,大吨位起吊安装围堰内支撑和钻孔桩施工平台的方案,以及5号墩基础施工过程中的重点、难点,探讨此类工程有效的施工方式、方法.
武漢二七長江大橋為主跨616 m三塔結閤樑斜拉橋.5號墩為邊主塔墩,共28根直徑為2.8 m的鑽孔灌註樁,其地處岸邊塊石拋填防護帶,深埋承檯8~12 m,在確保岸灘穩定的前提下,針對鋼護筒插打、建立鑽孔平檯;利用枯水期先安裝鋼闆樁圍堰內支撐到位,以便鋼闆樁插打和鑽孔樁施工同步進行;承檯施工等過程,以及施工工期緊,上遊側有碼頭、北側有加油船未搬遷,作業麵狹小等難點,重點介紹在有限施工條件下,利用雪浪號400 t全迴轉弔船,大噸位起弔安裝圍堰內支撐和鑽孔樁施工平檯的方案,以及5號墩基礎施工過程中的重點、難點,探討此類工程有效的施工方式、方法.
무한이칠장강대교위주과616 m삼탑결합량사랍교.5호돈위변주탑돈,공28근직경위2.8 m적찬공관주장,기지처안변괴석포전방호대,심매승태8~12 m,재학보안탄은정적전제하,침대강호통삽타、건립찬공평태;이용고수기선안장강판장위언내지탱도위,이편강판장삽타화찬공장시공동보진행;승태시공등과정,이급시공공기긴,상유측유마두、북측유가유선미반천,작업면협소등난점,중점개소재유한시공조건하,이용설랑호400 t전회전조선,대둔위기조안장위언내지탱화찬공장시공평태적방안,이급5호돈기출시공과정중적중점、난점,탐토차류공정유효적시공방식、방법.
Erqi Changjiang River Bridge in Wuhan is a three-pylon composite girder cable-stayed bridge with two main spans each 616 m. The Pier No.5 of the Bridge is the side pylon pier that is arranged with protection area nearby the river bank and has a pier base to be deeply embedded 8~12 m in the ground. On the prerequisite that the stability of the bank shoal can be ensured and in the light of the construction process of inserting and driving in the steel casings for the bored piles, setting up the working platform for the boring construction, installing the internal bracing system of the steel sheet pile cofferdam in place first by taking the advantage of the dry water period so that the construction of the sheet piles and bored piles can be carried out in parallel, carrying out the construction of the pier base and the challenge of the tight construction schedule and restricted working area since there are a wharf upstream and the fuel-filling ships downstream not yet moved away, the corresponding construction schemes are carefully prepared. The schemes for lifting and installing the internal bracing system and the working platform in large tonnage, using the 400 t Snow Wave fully rotary lifting vessel, the key and difficult points in the construction of the foundation of the pylon pier are mainly presented herewith and the effective ways and methods for construction of such type of the foundations are also discussed.