广泛接触增互信深入交流促合作——中联部副部长刘结一率中共友好代表团访问蒙古并出席蒙古人民党建党90周年庆祝大会纪行廣汎接觸增互信深入交流促閤作——中聯部副部長劉結一率中共友好代錶糰訪問矇古併齣席矇古人民黨建黨90週年慶祝大會紀行 엄범접촉증호신심입교류촉합작——중련부부부장류결일솔중공우호대표단방문몽고병출석몽고인민당건당90주년경축대회기행 Promote Mutual Trust and Cooperation through Extensive Engagement and In-depth Exchanges: Notes on Visit by CPC Goodwill Delegation headed by IDCPC Vice-Minister Liu Jieyi to Mongolia and Its Participation in the Celebration Conference Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of Mongolian People's Party
当代世界噹代世界당대세계 THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 2011年4期10-12,共3页