Nanji Islands%Phytoplankton%Species diversity%Ecological distribution
于2006年5月至2007年2月之间,对南麂列岛海域的浮游植物类群进行了4个季节的调查,分析 了该海域浮游植物的种类组成、优势种类、群落结构以及水平分布等特征参数的季节变化.共鉴定浮游 植物80种,隶属于4个门,硅藻种类最多,甲藻其次.浮游植物可划分为3个生态类群,以广温类群为主. 春季和夏季分别以三角棘原甲藻和中肋骨条藻为绝对优势种,秋冬季的优势种类组成多样化.共鉴定57 种赤潮生物,占浮游植物种类数的71.25%.调查期间,三角棘原甲藻和中肋骨条藻分别于春季和夏季形 成赤潮.浮游植物的物种丰富度呈现春、夏、秋、冬递减的趋势.浮游植物细胞丰度的年平均值为1.03×10~6 cells/L,春夏季显著高于秋冬季.春季和夏季时,浮游植物高值区集中在南麂岛西北近岸海域;秋季和冬 季时,浮游植物高值区相对集中在南麂岛东南近岸海域.浮游植物群落的多样性指数(H)以秋季最高,冬季最低.春季的三角棘原甲藻赤潮期间,水体中N/P值显著升高;夏季的中肋骨条藻赤潮期间,水体中N/P 值显著降低.
于2006年5月至2007年2月之間,對南麂列島海域的浮遊植物類群進行瞭4箇季節的調查,分析 瞭該海域浮遊植物的種類組成、優勢種類、群落結構以及水平分佈等特徵參數的季節變化.共鑒定浮遊 植物80種,隸屬于4箇門,硅藻種類最多,甲藻其次.浮遊植物可劃分為3箇生態類群,以廣溫類群為主. 春季和夏季分彆以三角棘原甲藻和中肋骨條藻為絕對優勢種,鞦鼕季的優勢種類組成多樣化.共鑒定57 種赤潮生物,佔浮遊植物種類數的71.25%.調查期間,三角棘原甲藻和中肋骨條藻分彆于春季和夏季形 成赤潮.浮遊植物的物種豐富度呈現春、夏、鞦、鼕遞減的趨勢.浮遊植物細胞豐度的年平均值為1.03×10~6 cells/L,春夏季顯著高于鞦鼕季.春季和夏季時,浮遊植物高值區集中在南麂島西北近岸海域;鞦季和鼕 季時,浮遊植物高值區相對集中在南麂島東南近岸海域.浮遊植物群落的多樣性指數(H)以鞦季最高,鼕季最低.春季的三角棘原甲藻赤潮期間,水體中N/P值顯著升高;夏季的中肋骨條藻赤潮期間,水體中N/P 值顯著降低.
우2006년5월지2007년2월지간,대남궤렬도해역적부유식물류군진행료4개계절적조사,분석 료해해역부유식물적충류조성、우세충류、군락결구이급수평분포등특정삼수적계절변화.공감정부유 식물80충,대속우4개문,규조충류최다,갑조기차.부유식물가화분위3개생태류군,이엄온류군위주. 춘계화하계분별이삼각극원갑조화중륵골조조위절대우세충,추동계적우세충류조성다양화.공감정57 충적조생물,점부유식물충류수적71.25%.조사기간,삼각극원갑조화중륵골조조분별우춘계화하계형 성적조.부유식물적물충봉부도정현춘、하、추、동체감적추세.부유식물세포봉도적년평균치위1.03×10~6 cells/L,춘하계현저고우추동계.춘계화하계시,부유식물고치구집중재남궤도서북근안해역;추계화동 계시,부유식물고치구상대집중재남궤도동남근안해역.부유식물군락적다양성지수(H)이추계최고,동계최저.춘계적삼각극원갑조적조기간,수체중N/P치현저승고;하계적중륵골조조적조기간,수체중N/P 치현저강저.
The microscopic planktonic algae are the main primary producers in the marine ecosystem and play a very important role in marine food webs. They are critical food for filter feeding bivalve shellfish, such as oysters, mussels, scallops, clams, as well as the larvae of commercially important crustaceans and finfish. In normal cases, the prolifera-tion of planktonic algae is beneficial for aquaculture and wild fisheries operations. However, in some cases, algal blooms caused by toxic or harmful algal species can have a negative effect, causing heavy losses to aquaculture, the fisheries industry and tourism operations, and having major environmental and human health impacts. For better under-standing and assessment about the marine ecosystem in Nanji Islands National Nature Reserve, its phytoplankton com-munity was characterized based on four cruise surveys carried out from May 2006 to February 2007, which may support many useful data and provide helpful guides for the ecological studies and protection of Nanji Islands National Nature Reserve. Species composition, seasonal variations and vertical distribution of microalgae as well as several chemical parameters were investigated. And the connections between microalgae dynamics and several environmental factors, such as water temperature, salinity, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition concentration, were analyzed. A total of 80 spe-cies were identified, belonging to four phyla. These taxa could be classified into three ecotypes, in which the euryther-mal species were dominant. Prorocentrum triestinum and Skeletonema costatum were the absolutely dominant species in spring and summer respectively and the dominant species in autumn and winter were various and polytype. Up to 71.25 percent of total taxa, 57 red tide causative species were observed, in which, diatom species were dominant and more harmful/toxic taxa were dinoflagellate. The blooms caused by P. triestinum and S. costatum occurred in spring and summer respectively. Decline trend of species number indicated from spring, summer, autumn to winter. Annual average cell abundance was 1.03×10~6 cells/L. The cell abundance reached the peaks in spring and summer, both nearly up to 2×10~6cells/L, and their highest richness occurred in the near-shore waters where located at the north-west to Nanji Is-land. With low cell abundances about 10~3 cells/L in autumn and winter, their richness centers shifted to the near-shore waters where situated at the south-east to Nanji Island. Shannon-Wiener index (H') peaked in autumn (1.75) and mini-mized in winter (0.32). Using correlate analysis by SPSS, it is revealed that there is no obvious correlation between microalgae dynamics and any environmental factors. During the bloom of P. triestinum in spring, the ratio of nitrogen to phosphate nutrition maximized (34.01) because more phosphate nutrition has been absorbed by dinoflagellate cells than nitrogen nutrition. And the reverse situation occurred during the bloom of S. costatum in summer, the ratio minimized (7.81) because more nitrogen nutrition has been consumed by diatom cells. It was caused by the distinct nutrient habits of different bloom causative taxa in different seasons.