浑善达克沙地%5 000年以来%化石盘星藻
渾善達剋沙地%5 000年以來%化石盤星藻
혼선체극사지%5 000년이래%화석반성조
Hunshandak Sandy Land%since 5 000 a BP%fossil Pediastrum
为了更好地了解浑善达克沙地5 000年以来的古植被、古环境以及古气候的演变,在分析内蒙古浑善达克沙地境内高西马格剖面孢粉的同时发现了大量的具淡水指示意义的盘星藻,它们是短棘盘星藻(Pediastrum boryanum)和钝角盘星藻(P.muticum).本文对该剖面的盘星藻化石组合进行了详尽的研究.该组合大致可以划分为三个阶段:阶段Ⅰ(约5 000~3 500 a BP),化石盘星藻零星出现,显示了高西马格湖当时可能为贫含有机质的淡水湖;阶段Ⅱ(3 500~1 500 a BP),化石盘星藻爆发性地发生,可能表明了该时期潮湿的条件和草原发展的阶段;和阶段Ⅲ(1 500~200 a BP),化石盘星藻消失,显示湖水可能碱性化和湖面退缩.代表了一个日趋干旱的环境.这一结果表明,一种指相化石盘星藻在第二阶段化石组合中大量出现,有时甚至达到60%以上,高西马格湖在3 500~1 500a BP期间水体为富含有机质的淡水且水域面积较大.
為瞭更好地瞭解渾善達剋沙地5 000年以來的古植被、古環境以及古氣候的縯變,在分析內矇古渾善達剋沙地境內高西馬格剖麵孢粉的同時髮現瞭大量的具淡水指示意義的盤星藻,它們是短棘盤星藻(Pediastrum boryanum)和鈍角盤星藻(P.muticum).本文對該剖麵的盤星藻化石組閤進行瞭詳儘的研究.該組閤大緻可以劃分為三箇階段:階段Ⅰ(約5 000~3 500 a BP),化石盤星藻零星齣現,顯示瞭高西馬格湖噹時可能為貧含有機質的淡水湖;階段Ⅱ(3 500~1 500 a BP),化石盤星藻爆髮性地髮生,可能錶明瞭該時期潮濕的條件和草原髮展的階段;和階段Ⅲ(1 500~200 a BP),化石盤星藻消失,顯示湖水可能堿性化和湖麵退縮.代錶瞭一箇日趨榦旱的環境.這一結果錶明,一種指相化石盤星藻在第二階段化石組閤中大量齣現,有時甚至達到60%以上,高西馬格湖在3 500~1 500a BP期間水體為富含有機質的淡水且水域麵積較大.
위료경호지료해혼선체극사지5 000년이래적고식피、고배경이급고기후적연변,재분석내몽고혼선체극사지경내고서마격부면포분적동시발현료대량적구담수지시의의적반성조,타문시단극반성조(Pediastrum boryanum)화둔각반성조(P.muticum).본문대해부면적반성조화석조합진행료상진적연구.해조합대치가이화분위삼개계단:계단Ⅰ(약5 000~3 500 a BP),화석반성조령성출현,현시료고서마격호당시가능위빈함유궤질적담수호;계단Ⅱ(3 500~1 500 a BP),화석반성조폭발성지발생,가능표명료해시기조습적조건화초원발전적계단;화계단Ⅲ(1 500~200 a BP),화석반성조소실,현시호수가능감성화화호면퇴축.대표료일개일추간한적배경.저일결과표명,일충지상화석반성조재제이계단화석조합중대량출현,유시심지체도60%이상,고서마격호재3 500~1 500a BP기간수체위부함유궤질적담수차수역면적교대.
The fossil Pediastrum was investigated from the Gaoximage section ( 42°57′14" N, 115o22′3" E, Alt 1 253 m ) in the Hunshandak Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) of China in order to gain a better understanding the changes of palaeovegetation, palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimite since 5 000 aBP when the pollen-spore was studied. The results show that the fossil Pediastrum assemblage can be divided into three periods: Ⅰ. 5 000-3 500 a BP, the fossil Pediastrum occurred rarely. Based on this result it can be surmised that the lake might be fresh water with poor organics. Ⅱ. 3 500-1 500 a BP, the fossil Pediastrum likes volcanic emerged. It probably indicate moist conditions and the grasslands were developed during this time; and Ⅲ. 1500-200 a BP, the fossil Pediastrum disappeared. It can show that the lake water become salty and shrunk, and the weather could become drier and drier. This result shows that Pediastrum, a kind of facies fossil, happened simultaneously in the pollen-spore assemblage during the second period. Sometimes Pediastrum can reach more than 60 per cent of the total spore pollen assemblage, indicating that Gaoximage lake was not only fresh water with abundant eutrophic materials but also occu pied a large area during 3 500-1 500 a BP.