Hg1-xCdxTe,共振拉曼散射,“禁戒 ”共振增强
Hg1-xCdxTe,共振拉曼散射,“禁戒 ”共振增彊
Hg1-xCdxTe,공진랍만산사,“금계 ”공진증강
当入射光的光子能量接近Hg1-xCdxTe的E0+Δ0时,发现了Hg 1-xCdxTe的共振拉曼散射,观察到了“禁戒”共振增强拉曼散射,同时也观察 到了二级共振拉曼散射. 分析了非共振条件下能在样品的(100)面观察到微弱的“禁戒”T O2模以及在共振条件下“禁戒”TO2模大大增强的原因. 通过分析,发现由双LO声子引 起的二级共振拉曼散射主要由带内的Frhlich相互作用造成的.
噹入射光的光子能量接近Hg1-xCdxTe的E0+Δ0時,髮現瞭Hg 1-xCdxTe的共振拉曼散射,觀察到瞭“禁戒”共振增彊拉曼散射,同時也觀察 到瞭二級共振拉曼散射. 分析瞭非共振條件下能在樣品的(100)麵觀察到微弱的“禁戒”T O2模以及在共振條件下“禁戒”TO2模大大增彊的原因. 通過分析,髮現由雙LO聲子引 起的二級共振拉曼散射主要由帶內的Frhlich相互作用造成的.
당입사광적광자능량접근Hg1-xCdxTe적E0+Δ0시,발현료Hg 1-xCdxTe적공진랍만산사,관찰도료“금계”공진증강랍만산사,동시야관찰 도료이급공진랍만산사. 분석료비공진조건하능재양품적(100)면관찰도미약적“금계”T O2모이급재공진조건하“금계”TO2모대대증강적원인. 통과분석,발현유쌍LO성자인 기적이급공진랍만산사주요유대내적Frhlich상호작용조성적.
When the photon energy of an incident light is close to E0+Δ0 of Hg 1-xCdxTe, we observe the resonant Raman scattering, “forbidden” re so nant enhancement Raman scattering and the second-order resonant Raman scatterin g. We have analyzed the reason why we can observe the weak “forbidden” TO2 mode fr om the principal (100) face of Hg1-xCdxTe in the case of no reso nant scattering; and also analyzed the reason why the “forbidden” TO2 mode fr om the principal (100) face of Hg1-xCdxTe increases significantl y in the case of no resonant scattering. According to our analysis, we find that the second-order resonant Raman scattering by two LO phonons is caused largel y by the interband Frhlich interaction.