CO_2 concentration%spatial distribution%diurnal variation%the Benxi Water Cave%Liaoning
洞穴空气CO_2浓度是影响洞穴次生化学沉积物沉积和溶蚀的重要因素之一.基于对本溪水洞洞穴空气CO_2浓度、温度和湿度连续两个昼夜的系统观测结果,结合洞外大气CO_2浓度、温度和湿度数据,初步分析了本溪水洞洞穴空气CO_2浓度空间分布特征和昼夜变化规律:(1)洞穴空气CO_2浓度自洞口开始快速增高至一定深度后趋于稳定,这个快速升高的距离与不同季节洞穴交换能力有关,秋季大约是370 m.洞穴CO_2浓度稳定区的空间差异可能主要与洞穴结构和裂隙发育情况有关,在洞体变小的倚天长剑景点附近出现峰值,而在洞体变大的石瀑布景点和游客无法进入的源头区出现低谷.(2)观测期间,洞穴空气CO_2浓度总体上呈递降趋势,基本上与游客数量有关.(3)在洞穴空气CO_2浓度急剧上升的近洞口段,洞穴空气CO_2浓度每个昼夜出现两个峰值,分别对应正午12时和午夜前后.本溪水洞洞穴空气CO_2浓度的这种变化特点,受游客与工作人员的呼吸排放和洞穴与大气间的气体交换作用的双重影响.
洞穴空氣CO_2濃度是影響洞穴次生化學沉積物沉積和溶蝕的重要因素之一.基于對本溪水洞洞穴空氣CO_2濃度、溫度和濕度連續兩箇晝夜的繫統觀測結果,結閤洞外大氣CO_2濃度、溫度和濕度數據,初步分析瞭本溪水洞洞穴空氣CO_2濃度空間分佈特徵和晝夜變化規律:(1)洞穴空氣CO_2濃度自洞口開始快速增高至一定深度後趨于穩定,這箇快速升高的距離與不同季節洞穴交換能力有關,鞦季大約是370 m.洞穴CO_2濃度穩定區的空間差異可能主要與洞穴結構和裂隙髮育情況有關,在洞體變小的倚天長劍景點附近齣現峰值,而在洞體變大的石瀑佈景點和遊客無法進入的源頭區齣現低穀.(2)觀測期間,洞穴空氣CO_2濃度總體上呈遞降趨勢,基本上與遊客數量有關.(3)在洞穴空氣CO_2濃度急劇上升的近洞口段,洞穴空氣CO_2濃度每箇晝夜齣現兩箇峰值,分彆對應正午12時和午夜前後.本溪水洞洞穴空氣CO_2濃度的這種變化特點,受遊客與工作人員的呼吸排放和洞穴與大氣間的氣體交換作用的雙重影響.
동혈공기CO_2농도시영향동혈차생화학침적물침적화용식적중요인소지일.기우대본계수동동혈공기CO_2농도、온도화습도련속량개주야적계통관측결과,결합동외대기CO_2농도、온도화습도수거,초보분석료본계수동동혈공기CO_2농도공간분포특정화주야변화규률:(1)동혈공기CO_2농도자동구개시쾌속증고지일정심도후추우은정,저개쾌속승고적거리여불동계절동혈교환능력유관,추계대약시370 m.동혈CO_2농도은정구적공간차이가능주요여동혈결구화렬극발육정황유관,재동체변소적의천장검경점부근출현봉치,이재동체변대적석폭포경점화유객무법진입적원두구출현저곡.(2)관측기간,동혈공기CO_2농도총체상정체강추세,기본상여유객수량유관.(3)재동혈공기CO_2농도급극상승적근동구단,동혈공기CO_2농도매개주야출현량개봉치,분별대응정오12시화오야전후.본계수동동혈공기CO_2농도적저충변화특점,수유객여공작인원적호흡배방화동혈여대기간적기체교환작용적쌍중영향.
CO_2 concentration in cave air is one of major factors controlling the precipitation and erosion of carbonate in caves, especially in show caves. In order to understand the spatial and diurnal variation and the possible controlling factors, CO_2 and temperature as well as relative humidity in cave air are observed by portable CO_2 meter linked with auto data logger and auto temperature as well as RH data logger respectively in the Benxi Water Cave, Liaoning, China. The results show that the spatial distribution of CO_2 concentration in the cave's air can be divided into two situations. Firstly, CO_2 increases abruptly from 500 ppm at the cave entrance to 4 500 ppm at 370 m deep of the cave; secondly, the CO_2 concentration keeps stable with small regimes between 4 500 and 4 800 ppm. Compared with data observed in other seasons, the distance in the first situation differs from one season to another. This may be controlled by seasonal change in temperature led by the exchange of airs between the outside atmosphere and the inner cave air, and also may be modulated by the human activity. The mean values of CO_2 in cave air, in the second situation, decreases slowly during observing period, which corresponding to the deceasing trend of visitor number and indicating that visitor number makes important effect on diurnal variation of CO_2 concentration in cave air. The slight variation of CO_2 concentration in the second situation maybe relates to the change of volume of cave chamber or the distribution of fractures and fissures. The auto data logger set at 250 m away from entrance records two CO_2 concentration peaks every day with one peak at noon and another at mid night more or less. By comparing with the variation of air temperature both inside and outside the cave, this double peak pattern possibly contributes both to respiration of people and exchange of air in cave with atmospheric air.