Hypertension%Risk factors%Case-control study%Meta-analysis
目的 了解中国人群不同年代有哪些危险因素与高血压病相关以及是否存在年代差异.方法 通过检索中国知网和PubMed 收集1990 年至2008 年12 月发表的所有与高血压病危险因素相关的病例对照研究,并采用Meta 分析方法 对纳入研究的结果 进行定量合并分析,计算其合并OR 值及95%CI.然后把所有研究分为2000年之前和之后两组,分别进行合并分析并予以比较.结果 共纳入14 篇文献,研究了饮酒、吸烟、超体重等危险因素与中国人群高血压病之间的联系.其中超体重、高血压家族史、嗜盐与高血压病相关,其OR(95%CI)分别为3.26(2.87,3.70)、4.79(2.81,8.14)及2.33(1.55,3.51),不同年代亚组合并分析结果 亦如此;但尚不能认为吸烟、性格急躁、文化程度与高血压病有关,其合并OR(95%CI)分别为1.20(0.84,1.72)、2.73(0.76,9.82)及1.22(0.51,2.95),且不同年代亚组分析的结果 与之相同;虽然病例组与对照组暴露于饮酒因素的比例不同[OR=1.61,95%CI(1.06,2.45)],但不同年代亚组分析的结论 并不支持饮酒与高血压有关.结论 超体重、高血压家族史、嗜盐与高血压病相关,是高血压病发生的危险因素,而且不同年代的研究结论 均如此.
目的 瞭解中國人群不同年代有哪些危險因素與高血壓病相關以及是否存在年代差異.方法 通過檢索中國知網和PubMed 收集1990 年至2008 年12 月髮錶的所有與高血壓病危險因素相關的病例對照研究,併採用Meta 分析方法 對納入研究的結果 進行定量閤併分析,計算其閤併OR 值及95%CI.然後把所有研究分為2000年之前和之後兩組,分彆進行閤併分析併予以比較.結果 共納入14 篇文獻,研究瞭飲酒、吸煙、超體重等危險因素與中國人群高血壓病之間的聯繫.其中超體重、高血壓傢族史、嗜鹽與高血壓病相關,其OR(95%CI)分彆為3.26(2.87,3.70)、4.79(2.81,8.14)及2.33(1.55,3.51),不同年代亞組閤併分析結果 亦如此;但尚不能認為吸煙、性格急躁、文化程度與高血壓病有關,其閤併OR(95%CI)分彆為1.20(0.84,1.72)、2.73(0.76,9.82)及1.22(0.51,2.95),且不同年代亞組分析的結果 與之相同;雖然病例組與對照組暴露于飲酒因素的比例不同[OR=1.61,95%CI(1.06,2.45)],但不同年代亞組分析的結論 併不支持飲酒與高血壓有關.結論 超體重、高血壓傢族史、嗜鹽與高血壓病相關,是高血壓病髮生的危險因素,而且不同年代的研究結論 均如此.
목적 료해중국인군불동년대유나사위험인소여고혈압병상관이급시부존재년대차이.방법 통과검색중국지망화PubMed 수집1990 년지2008 년12 월발표적소유여고혈압병위험인소상관적병례대조연구,병채용Meta 분석방법 대납입연구적결과 진행정량합병분석,계산기합병OR 치급95%CI.연후파소유연구분위2000년지전화지후량조,분별진행합병분석병여이비교.결과 공납입14 편문헌,연구료음주、흡연、초체중등위험인소여중국인군고혈압병지간적련계.기중초체중、고혈압가족사、기염여고혈압병상관,기OR(95%CI)분별위3.26(2.87,3.70)、4.79(2.81,8.14)급2.33(1.55,3.51),불동년대아조합병분석결과 역여차;단상불능인위흡연、성격급조、문화정도여고혈압병유관,기합병OR(95%CI)분별위1.20(0.84,1.72)、2.73(0.76,9.82)급1.22(0.51,2.95),차불동년대아조분석적결과 여지상동;수연병례조여대조조폭로우음주인소적비례불동[OR=1.61,95%CI(1.06,2.45)],단불동년대아조분석적결론 병불지지음주여고혈압유관.결론 초체중、고혈압가족사、기염여고혈압병상관,시고혈압병발생적위험인소,이차불동년대적연구결론 균여차.
Objective To find out what risk factors are related to hypertension in China, and whether there are differences in studies from different years. Methods We retrieved all of the hypertension-related case-control studies which were published in CNKI and PubMed since 1990 and used meta-analysis to calculate the pooled OR and 95%CI.Then all the studies were divided into two groups according to whether they were published before 2000 or after, and results of different group were compared. Results Fourteen studies were included in which the relationship was assessed between hypertension and risk factors such as drinking, smoking, being overweight, and other relevant risk factors. The results of meta-analysis showed that hypertension had a relationship with being overweight, family history of hypertension, and high salt intake. The pooled OR and 95%CI were 3.26 (2.87, 3.70), 4.79 (2.81, 8.14), and 2.33 (1.55, 3.51), respectively. And the same results were obtained in subgroups analysis. The effect of smoking, irritable personality, and literacy between case group and control group showed no significant difference. Their pooled OR values (95%CI) of smoking, irritable personality, and literacy were 1.20 (0.84, 1.72), 2.73 (0.76, 9.82), and 1.22 (0.51, 2.95), respectively, and the same results were obtained in subgroups analysis. Although the effect of drinking between case group and control group showed a difference, its OR value (95%CI) was 1.61 (1.06, 2.45), and the subgroup analysis showed drinking was not related to hypertension. Conclusion Being overweighed, family history of hypertension, and high salt intake have relationship with hypertension, and these conclusions do not differ depending on the time of the studies conducted.