相移干涉测量%Stoilov算法%Carré 算法%Hariharan算法
相移榦涉測量%Stoilov算法%Carré 算法%Hariharan算法
상이간섭측량%Stoilov산법%Carré 산법%Hariharan산법
Stoilov算法是近几年提出的一种五步等步长相移算法。有关文献中的误差分析表明,该算 法的性能优于四步等步长Carré算法。文中给出了Stoilov算法的正确表达式,采用线性误 差理论详细分析了算法的性能,尤其是算法性能对相移步长的依赖关系。分析表明,可以选 择一个最佳的相移步长以有效减少位相测量误差:相移步长为52°时可有效抑制二次相移量 误差的影响;相移步长为90°时可极大地减少光强误差的影响。最后给出了Stoilov算法与C arré算法和Hariharan算法的比较。
Stoilov算法是近幾年提齣的一種五步等步長相移算法。有關文獻中的誤差分析錶明,該算 法的性能優于四步等步長Carré算法。文中給齣瞭Stoilov算法的正確錶達式,採用線性誤 差理論詳細分析瞭算法的性能,尤其是算法性能對相移步長的依賴關繫。分析錶明,可以選 擇一箇最佳的相移步長以有效減少位相測量誤差:相移步長為52°時可有效抑製二次相移量 誤差的影響;相移步長為90°時可極大地減少光彊誤差的影響。最後給齣瞭Stoilov算法與C arré算法和Hariharan算法的比較。
Stoilov산법시근궤년제출적일충오보등보장상이산법。유관문헌중적오차분석표명,해산 법적성능우우사보등보장Carré산법。문중급출료Stoilov산법적정학표체식,채용선성오 차이론상세분석료산법적성능,우기시산법성능대상이보장적의뢰관계。분석표명,가이선 택일개최가적상이보장이유효감소위상측량오차:상이보장위52°시가유효억제이차상이량 오차적영향;상이보장위90°시가겁대지감소광강오차적영향。최후급출료Stoilov산법여C arré산법화Hariharan산법적비교。
Stoilov algorithm is a recently developed phase shifting algor ithm for phase retrieving in optical interferometry whose phase step is arbitrar y. Because the property of the algorithm varies with the phase step, it is impo r tant to determine an optimum phase step in order to minimize the phase measureme nt errors. A detailed error analysis is carried out to reveal the relationships between the phase measurement errors and the phase step, according to which a su itable phase step can be selected. A phase step of 52° will minimize the influ e nce of the 2nd order phase shift error while 90° is more effective for systemat ic and random intensity errors. A comparison of Stoilov algorithm and Carré algo rithm shows that the former is much better. As for Hariharan algorithm, which i s a special case of Stoilov algorithm, is recommended to use when the phase shift can be accurately calibrated, otherwise Stoilov can be selected with the phase step around 90°.