anthocyanin%existent state%coloration effect%antbocyanoplast%anthocyaninic vacuolar inclusionCLC Number: Q946.83Document Cocle%A
This review sums up the reasons of anthocyanins being sequestered into vacuole,the existent states of an-tbocyanins in vacuole and the corresponding coloration effects of anthocyanins on plant cells. Transporting of antho-cyanins from the biosynthesis site, namely the cytoplasm of plant cell, into vacuole is to detoxify the toxicity of antho-cyanins on the functional molecules of the cell, such as proteins and DNAs. The vacuolar compartmentalization of an-thocyanins is the prerequisite for anthocyanin function normally in plant cells. In a wide range of plant species and inmost cases,anthocyanins dissolve completely in vacuole. However, in vacuoles, anthocyanins can also form granuleswhich can be classified into two categories, namely anthocyanoplast (ACP) and anthocyaninic vacuolar inclusion(AVI). ACP is membrane-bounded, its formation is the result of the progressive coalescence of the smaller pigmentedvesicles in vacuole and fully developed ACP is typically spherical and more deeply red-colored than the vacuole. Invacuole, ACP is high density and insoluble globule highly concentrated with anthocyanins. The emergence of ACP canprovide intense coloration in the vacuole. AVI may be protein matrix and it possesses neither a membrane boundarynor an internal structure,its formation is the result of the antbocyanins transported into the vacuole bind with a pro-tein matrix. In vacuole, AVI is irregular and jelly-like in shape. In AVIs, the attachment of anthocyanins to the ma-trix protein is likely to be via H-bonds to a sterically restricted site. AVI is suggested to act as vacuolar anthocyanin"trap", preferentially for anthocyanidin 3,5-diglycosides or acylated anthocyanins. The emergence of AVI can en-hance color intensity and results in the "blueness" of color in the vacuole.