Journal of Agro-Environment Science
the coastal solonchak soil%pH%the soil improvement%soil salt content%saltish water%recycled water%Tianjin Binhai new developed area
通过在天津滨海新区的野外灌水脱盐试验,对比分析了灌溉淡水、中水和微咸水的中壤质、粘土和贝壳堤土土壤含盐量及pH的动态变化.结果表明,粘质滨海盐土经灌淡水后的土壤全盐量降低是逐渐的,中壤质滨海盐土则第一次灌水后土壤含盐量降低较多,表层(0~20 cm)由1.75%降到0.511%,以后灌溉土壤全盐量降低得较缓慢,20~40 cm土层的含盐量始终降低得较缓慢.灌溉淡水、中水、微咸水均能使土壤全盐量降低,灌溉中水、微咸水后表层和土体下层土壤的含盐量均逐渐降低.而灌溉淡水的土壤表层全盐量降低明显,土体下层的土壤全盐量变化幅度较小.灌溉淡水、中水、微咸水均使土壤pH有升高的趋势,灌溉淡水后表层土壤pH能够上升到9.0,灌溉微咸水、中水后土壤pH能够升至8.5左右.
通過在天津濱海新區的野外灌水脫鹽試驗,對比分析瞭灌溉淡水、中水和微鹹水的中壤質、粘土和貝殼隄土土壤含鹽量及pH的動態變化.結果錶明,粘質濱海鹽土經灌淡水後的土壤全鹽量降低是逐漸的,中壤質濱海鹽土則第一次灌水後土壤含鹽量降低較多,錶層(0~20 cm)由1.75%降到0.511%,以後灌溉土壤全鹽量降低得較緩慢,20~40 cm土層的含鹽量始終降低得較緩慢.灌溉淡水、中水、微鹹水均能使土壤全鹽量降低,灌溉中水、微鹹水後錶層和土體下層土壤的含鹽量均逐漸降低.而灌溉淡水的土壤錶層全鹽量降低明顯,土體下層的土壤全鹽量變化幅度較小.灌溉淡水、中水、微鹹水均使土壤pH有升高的趨勢,灌溉淡水後錶層土壤pH能夠上升到9.0,灌溉微鹹水、中水後土壤pH能夠升至8.5左右.
통과재천진빈해신구적야외관수탈염시험,대비분석료관개담수、중수화미함수적중양질、점토화패각제토토양함염량급pH적동태변화.결과표명,점질빈해염토경관담수후적토양전염량강저시축점적,중양질빈해염토칙제일차관수후토양함염량강저교다,표층(0~20 cm)유1.75%강도0.511%,이후관개토양전염량강저득교완만,20~40 cm토층적함염량시종강저득교완만.관개담수、중수、미함수균능사토양전염량강저,관개중수、미함수후표층화토체하층토양적함염량균축점강저.이관개담수적토양표층전염량강저명현,토체하층적토양전염량변화폭도교소.관개담수、중수、미함수균사토양pH유승고적추세,관개담수후표층토양pH능구상승도9.0,관개미함수、중수후토양pH능구승지8.5좌우.
The field experiments of imgation with the fresh water, recycled water, saltish water to take off salt from soil were carried out in Tianjin sea shore new developed area, Contrasted and analyzed the dynamic state variety of the soil salinity and the pH after irrigating fresh water, recycled water and saltish water in clay soil, heavy loamy soil, and medium loamy soil. The results showed that the soil salinity of the coastal salt clay soil lowers gradually after irrigating the fresh water,while the salt content of the medium loamy soil reduces more rapidly after the first time irrigating with the fresh water. The salt content in surface layer (0~20 cm) was declined to 0.511% by 1.75%. then after the salt con-tent of soil lowers rather slowly with additional irrigation. The salt content in 20~40 cm soil layer was declined slowly all the time .Irrigating the fresh water, recycled water. saltish water all can make the soil salt content lower. The soil salt content of both surface layer and lower lay-ers of the soil body was declined gradually all the time on the condition of irrigating both recycled water and saltish water. While irrigating fresh water, the soil salt content of surface layer reduces more obviously, but the variety range of soil salt content in other layers of the soil body ismuch smaller. Irrigating the fresh water, the recycled water, the saltish water all can make the trend that the soil pH gone up. Soil pH of the surface layer soil could achieve 9.0 after irrigating the fresh water, pH of the surface layer soil could go up to 8.5 or so after irrigating the saltish water or the recycled water.