heavy icing area%UHV%tangent tower%unbalanced tension
Both unbalanced tension in typical strain section and end displacement of insulator string due to the unbalanced tension are calculated by finite element analysis (FEA) and equal conductor length method respectively, and calculation results of the two methods are nearly the same. By means of building a finite element model for conductor-insulator in continuous seven spans and considering impacts of various design parameters of transmission line, the tension and unbalanced tension of transmission line erected on UHV tangent towers located at heavy icing area under different operating conditions are analyzed. Analysis results show that there are little influences of ice accretion modes, eccentricity of ice coating and wind speed during icing process on unbalanced tension, thus it is suggested to simulate the load of ice coating by equivalent density method while the wind speed during icing process is taken as 10 m/s. Without regard to span differences and elevations differences, the unbalanced tension percent of conductor is gradually increased with the increasing of ice thickness, span and ice accretion rate, and the calculated unbalanced tension percentages of UHV tangent tower under different ice thicknesses are smaller than those specified in the regulations; when the span differences and elevations differences are increased, the ratio of unbalanced tension of transmission line with span differences and elevations differences to unbalanced tension of transmission line without span differences and elevations differences is gradually enlarged; the unbalanced tension will be decreased with the increasing of ice thickness. For heavy icing areas with ice thickness of 30 mm and lower, the value of unbalanced tension percentages should be taken as that specified in existing regulation for heavy icing area. For heavy icing areas with ice thickness of 40 mm and 50 mm the unbalanced tension percentages should be increased to 35% and 41% respectively.