Yellow River
model experiment%salinity gradient%tidal range%flow%water level%salt-water intrusion%unsteady water area
Based on 10 group experiments,this study analyzed the variation between the characteristics of salt-water intrusion in unsteady water and upstream freshwater coming flow,water depth,tidal range,salinity of downstream and other parameters. The results show that a)the salinity of surface and bottom hardly be effected by tidal fluctuations,surface salinity has been low and the salinity at bottom has been higher,the salinity of the middle layer has a periodic and generally obtain the maximum value among nearby high water stand moment and get the minimum value among nearby low water stand;b)the lager the value of downstream salinity,water depth and tidal range,the lower the upstream flow and the greater in-tensity of salt-water intrusion will be. Averaged salinity of the vertical decreases from downstream to upstream in the longitudinal direction. General-ly speaking,the vertical salinity gradient of downstream is greater than that of the upstream,and it has the maximum value nearby the middle rea-ches;c)vertical distribution of salinity are obviously different in the upper,middle and lower reaches sections,the salinity gradient of surface layer is lager in downstream,the lager the value of downstream salinity,tidal range,upstream flow and water depth,the lager the vertical salinity gradi-ent of surface downstream. In a word,the vertical salinity gradient of surface layer decreases from downstream to upstream,while the bottom layer increases from downstream to upstream;d)from the downstream to the upstream,the surface salinity values is almost unchanged,underlying salini-ty reduces at a lower rate,opposite the middle layer salinity values decreases in a faster rate.