Yellow River
dam foundation%seepage pressure%cutoff wall%water level%Fushui Reservoir
On the basis of analyzing the observation data of Fushui dam foundation seepage pressure and the reinforcement history and geological da-ta,came to the conclusion that dam foundation seepage pressure of Fushui dam was different from the general change law and analyzed the reasons. Because of using clay blanket increased seepage path in the original riverbed segment,the measured values and amplitude of head drops before the cutoff wall significantly decreased than the reservoir water level. The measured values and amplitude of head drops before the cutoff wall significant-ly decreased than the data behind the cutoff wall. It was a synergy result of concrete cutoff wall and the mud wall. The measured values of head drops behind the cutoff wall in the main riverbed are lower than the downstream dam foundation seepage pressure,because the elevation and loca-tion of measuring points were different. Values of some stations in the main riverbed dam foundation were lower than the level of tail water. It was because that the arrangement of the downstream tailrace and seepage control project,leading to downstream water away from the downstream dam, meanwhile upstream dam blanket and cutoff wall had a good anti-seepage effect. The results show that those abnormalities are caused by the special reinforcement measures and geological conditions of Fushui dam and indicate that the dam seepage reinforcement has a good effect and the dam operates normally.