Summer maize%Planting date%Dry matter weight%RUE%Grain yield
采用均匀试验设计,研究了6个播期(6月10日、6月12日、6月14日、6月16日、6月18日、6月20日)配合6个收获期(10月4日、9月28日、10月10日、9月25日、10月7日、10月1日)对郑单958和浚单20物质生产、光能利用及产量性状的影响,以期通过播期、收获期调控,实现高产与高光利用率,同时得到早播及延迟收获对玉米产量影响的量化指标。结果表明:迟播可明显缩短13叶展至吐丝期生长时间,平均播期每推迟1 d,播种至吐丝期的时间平均缩短0.4 d;13叶展和吐丝期叶面积指数(LAI)与播期关系密切,而成熟期叶面积指数与生育期长短关系密切,推迟播期和收获期均可明显降低叶面积指数;较迟播,早播(前3个播期)具有前期物质生产量高、后期转化率高的特点;光能利用率( RUE)与生育期长短关系密切,为生育期较长处理光能利用率较高;郑单958具有较高光能转化效率;播期与收获期对玉米产量影响均很显著,播期的影响大于收获期,早播期+晚收获期处理(第1,3播期)穗粒数、千粒质量和产量显著较高;夏玉米每提早播种1 d,产量平均增加196.5 kg/hm2,每推迟收获1 d,平均增产97.5 kg/hm2。迟播使吐丝前光能利用减少,影响前期的物质生产,即使生育期适当延长,仍不能弥补前期生长不足造成的产量损失;获得较高产量的播期、收获期与品种的最佳组合为6月10-14日播种10月4-7日收获的郑单958。
採用均勻試驗設計,研究瞭6箇播期(6月10日、6月12日、6月14日、6月16日、6月18日、6月20日)配閤6箇收穫期(10月4日、9月28日、10月10日、9月25日、10月7日、10月1日)對鄭單958和浚單20物質生產、光能利用及產量性狀的影響,以期通過播期、收穫期調控,實現高產與高光利用率,同時得到早播及延遲收穫對玉米產量影響的量化指標。結果錶明:遲播可明顯縮短13葉展至吐絲期生長時間,平均播期每推遲1 d,播種至吐絲期的時間平均縮短0.4 d;13葉展和吐絲期葉麵積指數(LAI)與播期關繫密切,而成熟期葉麵積指數與生育期長短關繫密切,推遲播期和收穫期均可明顯降低葉麵積指數;較遲播,早播(前3箇播期)具有前期物質生產量高、後期轉化率高的特點;光能利用率( RUE)與生育期長短關繫密切,為生育期較長處理光能利用率較高;鄭單958具有較高光能轉化效率;播期與收穫期對玉米產量影響均很顯著,播期的影響大于收穫期,早播期+晚收穫期處理(第1,3播期)穗粒數、韆粒質量和產量顯著較高;夏玉米每提早播種1 d,產量平均增加196.5 kg/hm2,每推遲收穫1 d,平均增產97.5 kg/hm2。遲播使吐絲前光能利用減少,影響前期的物質生產,即使生育期適噹延長,仍不能瀰補前期生長不足造成的產量損失;穫得較高產量的播期、收穫期與品種的最佳組閤為6月10-14日播種10月4-7日收穫的鄭單958。
채용균균시험설계,연구료6개파기(6월10일、6월12일、6월14일、6월16일、6월18일、6월20일)배합6개수획기(10월4일、9월28일、10월10일、9월25일、10월7일、10월1일)대정단958화준단20물질생산、광능이용급산량성상적영향,이기통과파기、수획기조공,실현고산여고광이용솔,동시득도조파급연지수획대옥미산량영향적양화지표。결과표명:지파가명현축단13협전지토사기생장시간,평균파기매추지1 d,파충지토사기적시간평균축단0.4 d;13협전화토사기협면적지수(LAI)여파기관계밀절,이성숙기협면적지수여생육기장단관계밀절,추지파기화수획기균가명현강저협면적지수;교지파,조파(전3개파기)구유전기물질생산량고、후기전화솔고적특점;광능이용솔( RUE)여생육기장단관계밀절,위생육기교장처리광능이용솔교고;정단958구유교고광능전화효솔;파기여수획기대옥미산량영향균흔현저,파기적영향대우수획기,조파기+만수획기처리(제1,3파기)수립수、천립질량화산량현저교고;하옥미매제조파충1 d,산량평균증가196.5 kg/hm2,매추지수획1 d,평균증산97.5 kg/hm2。지파사토사전광능이용감소,영향전기적물질생산,즉사생육기괄당연장,잉불능미보전기생장불족조성적산량손실;획득교고산량적파기、수획기여품충적최가조합위6월10-14일파충10월4-7일수획적정단958。
We conducted an experiment with six planting date (06-10,06-12,06-14,06-16,06-18,06-20)com-bining six harvest date(10-04,09-28,10-10,09-25,10-07,10-01)of cultivar(Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20 respec-tively) in the field having medium soil fertility ,and studied the effect of different planting and harvest date on matter production ,radiation utilization efficiency ( RUE) and yield.The objective to achieve high yield and high RUE at the same time,and obtain the quantitative value of yield when early sowing and delayed harvest for different cultivars . The main results showed that the growth period of 13 leaves to silking stage was obvious shortened when the planting date put off ,and the growth period from sowing to silking could be shortened by 0 .4 day when the planting date was delayed for one day .LAI was influenced mainly by sowing date in thirteenth leaf to silking ,and by length of growth period in maturity .Along with the delayed sowing and harvest date , the LAI had decreased significantly at silking and maturity stage .Along with the delayed sowing date ,the dry matter amount and transformation rate of leaf ,stem and sheath decreased significantly .Compared with late planting , matter amount and matter translocation rate were higher for early planting treatments ( The first three sowing date ) .RUE was influenced mainly by length of growth period,and which was higher for longer growth period treatments .For Zhengdan 958,RUE was higher than Xundan 20 .Planting and harvest date can strongly affect grain yields , especially planting date .Grain number per spike , 1000-grain weight and yield were significantly higher for early sowing +late harvest treatments ( The first and the third sowing date).Every early sowing for 1 days or delayed harvest 1 day,the average yield increased 196.5 kg/ha or decreased 97.5 kg/ha.Compared to early sowing ,late sowing has the disadvantages that the RUE and dry matter production are significantly less before silking stage .Even if growth period prolonged ,it still can not make up the yield loss caused by the less matter production in early growth stage .For achieved high yield ,the optimum combina-tion was 06-10-06-14 sowing and 10-04-10-07 harvest .