Educational technology%research object%historical method%logic method%technicalization%systematism
Determining its unique research objects, Constructing a complete theoretical system, and developing special-ized research methods are three characteristics of an independent and mature field. Among these three objects, the re-search object is the most fundamental. A clear understanding of research objects helps to avoid the research blind are-as, set up the complete theoretical system of subjects, and develop specialized research methods. To determine the re-search object is also beneficial to the division of human research field and cooperation in research activities <br> To determine the independence and maturity of Educational Technology, this paper uses historical and logical methods to analyze the research objects in the field of educational technology based on a study of its theoretical system and research methods. <br> The historical method is to analyze the research content in the history of a subject, then to abstract and general-ize. The logical method is to toanalyze the attribute and the nature of a subject, then to abstract and generalize. <br> Using historical method to analyze the research objects of Educational Technology,we can abstract out four as-pects of the research object application of visual media in education, First, from the four stages of development of for-eign educational technology, application of audio-visual media in education, the design and use of messages which control the learning process, the design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and re-sources for learning. Second, from the two stages of development of domestic educational technology, we can abstract out four aspects of the research objects: application of electronic media in education, application and systematism of modern information technology in education. <br> Using logic method to analyze the research objects of Educational Technology. we know educational technology is a new branch of education science and it's a method. And, the nature of educational technology is the optimization of education, the development and use of various learning resources, systematic method of designing and organizing teaching process. From these, we can derive three aspects of the research objects:educational issue, technological issue of education and systematism of education. <br> Finally, according to the abstraction principle, the research objects of Educational Technology can be summa-rized as:technicalization and systematism of education, which are both a process and an outcome. Different from pre-vious studies, this paper highlights the systematism of education. Systematism of education and technicalization of ed-ucation is an indivisible entity, and the integration of systematism and technicalization promote the formation of Edu-cational Technology.