MOOCs%Higer education%innovatiove talents%gbbalization
赵勇教授是美国俄勒冈大学知名教授、作家,主要研究全球化教育及教育中的技术应用,曾主持设计致在培养富有全球竞争力的学校体系,开发了支持第二语言学习的大型游戏社区,建立了探索创新教育模式的研究中心。赵勇教授发表100多篇学术文章、20多本专著,获美国教育研究协会( American Educational Research Association,AERA)颁发的早期学术成果奖( Early Academic Career Awards),并被《技术与学习杂志》( Technology & Learning Magazine)评为2010年全球教育技术界最有影响力的十大人物之一。他目前任国际教育学会的理事、美国俄勒冈大学教育学院副院长、全球教育部主席,同时兼任教育评价、政策和领导力系教授。<br> 本次访谈围绕MOOCs、全球化校园、创新人才培养及青年学者发展等主题展开。
趙勇教授是美國俄勒岡大學知名教授、作傢,主要研究全毬化教育及教育中的技術應用,曾主持設計緻在培養富有全毬競爭力的學校體繫,開髮瞭支持第二語言學習的大型遊戲社區,建立瞭探索創新教育模式的研究中心。趙勇教授髮錶100多篇學術文章、20多本專著,穫美國教育研究協會( American Educational Research Association,AERA)頒髮的早期學術成果獎( Early Academic Career Awards),併被《技術與學習雜誌》( Technology & Learning Magazine)評為2010年全毬教育技術界最有影響力的十大人物之一。他目前任國際教育學會的理事、美國俄勒岡大學教育學院副院長、全毬教育部主席,同時兼任教育評價、政策和領導力繫教授。<br> 本次訪談圍繞MOOCs、全毬化校園、創新人纔培養及青年學者髮展等主題展開。
조용교수시미국아륵강대학지명교수、작가,주요연구전구화교육급교육중적기술응용,증주지설계치재배양부유전구경쟁력적학교체계,개발료지지제이어언학습적대형유희사구,건립료탐색창신교육모식적연구중심。조용교수발표100다편학술문장、20다본전저,획미국교육연구협회( American Educational Research Association,AERA)반발적조기학술성과장( Early Academic Career Awards),병피《기술여학습잡지》( Technology & Learning Magazine)평위2010년전구교육기술계최유영향력적십대인물지일。타목전임국제교육학회적리사、미국아륵강대학교육학원부원장、전구교육부주석,동시겸임교육평개、정책화령도력계교수。<br> 본차방담위요MOOCs、전구화교완、창신인재배양급청년학자발전등주제전개。
Dr. Yong Zhao is an internationally known scholar, author, and speaker. His works focus on the implica-tions of globalization and technology on education. Other than designingprograms to cultivate global competence. he has developed computer games for language learning and has founded research and development institutions to explore innovative education models. He has published over 100 articles and 20 books. Dr. Yong Zhao is a recipient of the Early Career Award from the American Educational Research Association and was named one of the 2012 10 most in-fluential people in educational technology by the Tech&Learn Magazine. He is an elected fellow of the International Academy for Education. He currently is serving as the Presidential Chair and Director of the Institute for Global and Online Education in the College of Education, University of Oregon, where he is also a Professor in the Department of Educational Measurement, Policy, and Leadership. <br> This interview mainly focuseses on the MOOCs, globalization campus, innovative talents educational model, and scholars' academic development. First, Dr. Zhao points out that MOOCs has played an important role in changing the traditional perception of learning. It indeed has the potential to change the learning institutions' operating mecha-nism. But he argues that over-emphasizing its effects is not wise enough. After all, MOOCs is a kind of learning phe-nomenon, and is far from the innovative educational model. Therefore, there is no need to overestimate its impacts and raise it up to the height of the new education model. Common misunderstanding of information technology has existed for a long time. Researchers often overestimate the short-term effects of information technology, while underestimates it's long-term effects. The concerns of educational technology researchers were used to address how to teach well. They were rarely used to explore the essence of education, such as the function of educational institutions, the role of teachers, the nature of the course, and the changes that technology brings. Therefore, more concerns should be ex-pressed on the essence of education. MOOCs has two vital features:representing the sharing of information and making it possible for ordinary people to participate in higher education or high-quality education. However in the long run, MOOCs does not impact traditional universities very much. On one hand, MOOCs has no advantages in diploma au-thentication, which is the core function of traditional universities. On the other hand, MOOCs achieves remarkable performances on learning globalized knowledge, but failed in facilitating localized knowledge learning <br> Second, globalization campus is not the privilege of MOOCs. Traditional universities, aiming to develop students' self-learning abilityhave the ability to make full use of Internet to create a global campus through the prod-uct-driven learning. <br> Third, Dr. Zhao introduces a global open course trading platform-OBA, which was designed and developed by his research team. It makes no strict boundaries between teachers and students. The platform has four features:out of the bounders of nation, schools levels, organization, and universities. Consequently, there is no permanent relation-ship of teacher-student like, only beginners and experts. <br> For innovative training, Dr. Zhao emphasizes the need of cultivating students' innovative spirit of initiative, and developing students' confidence and adventurous spirit. <br> Finally, Dr. Zhao gives some advices to Chinese young scholars. He suggests that young scholars should apply international research paradigm to solve Chinese domestic problems. For example, doing research with empirical re-search methods, international cooperation, innovation, and imagination will help Chinese young scholars to take part in international academic dialogue better.