tight sand gas reservoir%gas exploration%Yangchang gas field%Upper Paleozoic%Ordos Basin
延长石油集团天然气探区位于鄂尔多斯盆地伊-陕斜坡东南部。长期以来,盆地存在“南油北气”的固有认识,导致对延长探区上古生界天然气勘探潜力评价较低。自2003年完钻了第一口真正意义上的天然气探井以来,通过强化地质研究,明确了延长探区位于油气富集的陕北斜坡东部,储集层以水下分流河道砂体、障壁岛砂坝为主,烃源岩广泛发育,泥岩盖层厚度大、分布稳定,天然气资源潜力在7500×108 m3以上。通过积极推动理论和技术创新,明确提出“优质储层与古流体运聚空间的有效配置决定着天然气富集程度”的成藏认识,成功研发出适合延长探区上古生界致密砂岩气藏的新型VES-CO2泡沫压裂液体系,取得了探明地质储量超过3000×108 m3、年产天然气能力达到7.2×108 m3的良好效果,在短时间内取得了天然气勘探的重大突破。此外,还在鄂尔多斯盆地首次发现了具有百万方以上无阻流量的高产气层---石炭系本溪组。
延長石油集糰天然氣探區位于鄂爾多斯盆地伊-陝斜坡東南部。長期以來,盆地存在“南油北氣”的固有認識,導緻對延長探區上古生界天然氣勘探潛力評價較低。自2003年完鑽瞭第一口真正意義上的天然氣探井以來,通過彊化地質研究,明確瞭延長探區位于油氣富集的陝北斜坡東部,儲集層以水下分流河道砂體、障壁島砂壩為主,烴源巖廣汎髮育,泥巖蓋層厚度大、分佈穩定,天然氣資源潛力在7500×108 m3以上。通過積極推動理論和技術創新,明確提齣“優質儲層與古流體運聚空間的有效配置決定著天然氣富集程度”的成藏認識,成功研髮齣適閤延長探區上古生界緻密砂巖氣藏的新型VES-CO2泡沫壓裂液體繫,取得瞭探明地質儲量超過3000×108 m3、年產天然氣能力達到7.2×108 m3的良好效果,在短時間內取得瞭天然氣勘探的重大突破。此外,還在鄂爾多斯盆地首次髮現瞭具有百萬方以上無阻流量的高產氣層---石炭繫本溪組。
연장석유집단천연기탐구위우악이다사분지이-협사파동남부。장기이래,분지존재“남유북기”적고유인식,도치대연장탐구상고생계천연기감탐잠력평개교저。자2003년완찬료제일구진정의의상적천연기탐정이래,통과강화지질연구,명학료연장탐구위우유기부집적협북사파동부,저집층이수하분류하도사체、장벽도사패위주,경원암엄범발육,니암개층후도대、분포은정,천연기자원잠력재7500×108 m3이상。통과적겁추동이론화기술창신,명학제출“우질저층여고류체운취공간적유효배치결정착천연기부집정도”적성장인식,성공연발출괄합연장탐구상고생계치밀사암기장적신형VES-CO2포말압렬액체계,취득료탐명지질저량초과3000×108 m3、년산천연기능력체도7.2×108 m3적량호효과,재단시간내취득료천연기감탐적중대돌파。차외,환재악이다사분지수차발현료구유백만방이상무조류량적고산기층---석탄계본계조。
The natural gas exploration blocks of Yanchang Petroleum Group ( Yanchang exploration blocks ) are located in the southeast of Yishan slope of Ordos Basin .The basin has long been believed to be rich in oil in its south part and abundant in gas in its north-a mindset that resulted in pessimistic evaluation data of gas potential in the Upper Paleozoic exploration blocks of the Group .The first real exploratory well for gas was drilled in the area in 2003 .Geological data gathered since then have revealed that the blocks sit in the eastern part of the northern Shanbei slope ,which is rich in both oil and gas .The reservoirs are dominated by underwater distributary channels and barrier islands ,source rocks are widely distributed ,and mudstone seals are thick and stable .The gas resource was estimated to be over 750 bcm.Theoreti-cal and technological innovation obtained during exploration in the blocks by the Group had led to the following achieve -ments:(1)A new understanding of gas accumulation is proposed ,i.e.gas accumulations are controlled by combination of reservoirs with paleo-fluid migration and accumulation space;(2) A new foam fracturing system ( VES-CO2 ) was deve-loped and tested for the Upper Paleozoic tight gas reservoirs .A proven gas in place of more than 300 bcm and annual gas production capacity of 720 million cm3 were obtained.What’ s more,the Carboniferous Benxi Formation in the basin was found to be able to produce gas at an absolute open flow of over million cubic meters .