Journal of Applied Oceanography
physical oceanography%sediment%numerical simulation%ocean dumping site%Luoyuan Bay
罗源湾及周边海域港口、航道开发利用工程产生大量的疏浚物,为准确掌握罗源湾临时性海洋倾倒区抛泥过程中泥沙运动规律和含沙量增量分布,预测并有效控制倾倒泥沙对倾倒区周边海域环境影响,基于FVCOM数值模式和有限差分理论,建立倾倒区二维潮流动力和悬浮泥沙输移扩散数学模型,分析计算海域潮流动力特征和悬浮泥沙输移扩散情况.经过监测数据率定验证,模型计算结果与实测潮位、潮流过程曲线吻合较好,含沙量曲线与实测值比较接近.利用建立的模型预测倾倒区疏浚泥倾倒过程中含沙量增量及影响范围,倾倒区含沙量本底值为22~58 mg/dm3,单次抛泥7300 m3时,含沙量增量10 mg/dm3(超一、二类水质标准),扩散距离小于3.5 km,抛泥1 h后含沙量增量基本降至10 mg/dm3以下,6 h后含沙量增量降至1 mg/dm3以下;连续120 d随机点抛放时,含沙量增量100 mg/dm3(超三类水质标准)的包络面积为1.40 km2,主要分布在倾倒区附近0.74 km范围内,含沙量增量10 mg/dm3的包络面积为9.27 km2,最大扩散距离为3.25 km.最后,结合模型预测结果和海域功能区划要求,建议倾倒施工单位选择落潮时段进行倾倒作业,保证在空间和时间方面均匀倾倒,尽量避免或减少对附近的三都澳大黄鱼繁育保护区产生影响.
囉源灣及週邊海域港口、航道開髮利用工程產生大量的疏浚物,為準確掌握囉源灣臨時性海洋傾倒區拋泥過程中泥沙運動規律和含沙量增量分佈,預測併有效控製傾倒泥沙對傾倒區週邊海域環境影響,基于FVCOM數值模式和有限差分理論,建立傾倒區二維潮流動力和懸浮泥沙輸移擴散數學模型,分析計算海域潮流動力特徵和懸浮泥沙輸移擴散情況.經過鑑測數據率定驗證,模型計算結果與實測潮位、潮流過程麯線吻閤較好,含沙量麯線與實測值比較接近.利用建立的模型預測傾倒區疏浚泥傾倒過程中含沙量增量及影響範圍,傾倒區含沙量本底值為22~58 mg/dm3,單次拋泥7300 m3時,含沙量增量10 mg/dm3(超一、二類水質標準),擴散距離小于3.5 km,拋泥1 h後含沙量增量基本降至10 mg/dm3以下,6 h後含沙量增量降至1 mg/dm3以下;連續120 d隨機點拋放時,含沙量增量100 mg/dm3(超三類水質標準)的包絡麵積為1.40 km2,主要分佈在傾倒區附近0.74 km範圍內,含沙量增量10 mg/dm3的包絡麵積為9.27 km2,最大擴散距離為3.25 km.最後,結閤模型預測結果和海域功能區劃要求,建議傾倒施工單位選擇落潮時段進行傾倒作業,保證在空間和時間方麵均勻傾倒,儘量避免或減少對附近的三都澳大黃魚繁育保護區產生影響.
라원만급주변해역항구、항도개발이용공정산생대량적소준물,위준학장악라원만림시성해양경도구포니과정중니사운동규률화함사량증량분포,예측병유효공제경도니사대경도구주변해역배경영향,기우FVCOM수치모식화유한차분이론,건립경도구이유조류동력화현부니사수이확산수학모형,분석계산해역조류동력특정화현부니사수이확산정황.경과감측수거솔정험증,모형계산결과여실측조위、조류과정곡선문합교호,함사량곡선여실측치비교접근.이용건립적모형예측경도구소준니경도과정중함사량증량급영향범위,경도구함사량본저치위22~58 mg/dm3,단차포니7300 m3시,함사량증량10 mg/dm3(초일、이류수질표준),확산거리소우3.5 km,포니1 h후함사량증량기본강지10 mg/dm3이하,6 h후함사량증량강지1 mg/dm3이하;련속120 d수궤점포방시,함사량증량100 mg/dm3(초삼류수질표준)적포락면적위1.40 km2,주요분포재경도구부근0.74 km범위내,함사량증량10 mg/dm3적포락면적위9.27 km2,최대확산거리위3.25 km.최후,결합모형예측결과화해역공능구화요구,건의경도시공단위선택락조시단진행경도작업,보증재공간화시간방면균균경도,진량피면혹감소대부근적삼도오대황어번육보호구산생영향.
The sea port and channel engineerings in and around Luoyuan bay produce a large number of dredged mud.In order to know the movement rules and concentration increment of suspend sediment caused by dumping dredged mud in the temporary sea dumping ground near Luoyuan bay for accurately predicting and effectively con-trolling the influence of marine environment around the dumping area,we build a two-dimensional tidal current and sediment transport-diffusion model based on the FVCOM model and finite difference method,to simulate and ana-lyse the tidal current and sediment transportation.After monitoring data validation,the calculation results show well consistent with the measured water level and tidal current,and sediment concentration curves fit the measured val-ues.We use the model to forecast the sediment concentration increment and area influenced after dumping.The background concentration value of the ocean area is 22 ~58 mg/dm3 .For dumping 7 300 m3 dredged mud at the central dumping ground,the maximum distance of the sediment concentration increment of 10 mg/dm3 (exceeding class I and II of the national water quality standard)is 3.5 km.The sediment concentration increment of 10 mg/dm3 disappeared an hour later,increment of 1 mg/dm3 disappear 6 hour later.While dumping 7 300 m3 dredged mud randomly in the ocean dumping area at ebb and flow tide moment for 120 days,the area of sediment concentration increment of 100 mg/dm3 (exceeding class III of the natinal water quality standard)is 1.40 km2 within the scope of 0.74 km near the center of dumping area.The area of sediment concentration increment of 10 mg/dm3 is 9.27 km2 within the scope of 3.25 km.In conclusion,when considerations both the local marine functional zoning require-ments and the results of model forecast it suggested that the ebb tide time be chosen for dumping for better distribu-tions of dredged mud in space and time to reduce the impact on the Pseudosciaena crocea breeding area nearby in Sandu-ao bay.