soils%crops%fertilizers%saline-alkali soil%fertilizer management%salt removal and yield improvement%farmland productivity increase
为了构建黄淮海平原盐碱障碍耕地适宜的培肥改土增产技术体系提供理论依据,在黄淮海平原典型轻中度盐碱障碍耕地进行了2 a的施肥试验,探究肥料结合改良剂施用对盐碱障碍耕地的土壤改良与作物增产效应。研究表明:仅依靠提高化肥施用量能够在一定时期内提高作物产量,但是会造成土壤盐分升高,土壤物理性质恶化,不利于盐碱土改良与可持续利用。在适度增施化肥的基础上,结合施用改良剂或有机肥可以明显降低土壤盐分含量,有利于盐碱耕地养分积累,显著提高作物产量:试验进行2 a后小麦产量分别较当地常规施肥提高21.41%和27.72%,分别达到6.35×103和6.68×103 kg/hm2;玉米产量分别较当地常规施肥提高10.44%和12.85%,分别达到7.68×103和7.85×103 kg/hm2。黄淮海平原盐碱障碍农作区应当重视有机肥与改良剂的施用,在降低土壤盐分含量、培肥地力的基础上提高作物产量,实现区域土壤资源可持续利用。该文可为黄淮海平原盐碱障碍耕地的可持续利用提供技术参考。
為瞭構建黃淮海平原鹽堿障礙耕地適宜的培肥改土增產技術體繫提供理論依據,在黃淮海平原典型輕中度鹽堿障礙耕地進行瞭2 a的施肥試驗,探究肥料結閤改良劑施用對鹽堿障礙耕地的土壤改良與作物增產效應。研究錶明:僅依靠提高化肥施用量能夠在一定時期內提高作物產量,但是會造成土壤鹽分升高,土壤物理性質噁化,不利于鹽堿土改良與可持續利用。在適度增施化肥的基礎上,結閤施用改良劑或有機肥可以明顯降低土壤鹽分含量,有利于鹽堿耕地養分積纍,顯著提高作物產量:試驗進行2 a後小麥產量分彆較噹地常規施肥提高21.41%和27.72%,分彆達到6.35×103和6.68×103 kg/hm2;玉米產量分彆較噹地常規施肥提高10.44%和12.85%,分彆達到7.68×103和7.85×103 kg/hm2。黃淮海平原鹽堿障礙農作區應噹重視有機肥與改良劑的施用,在降低土壤鹽分含量、培肥地力的基礎上提高作物產量,實現區域土壤資源可持續利用。該文可為黃淮海平原鹽堿障礙耕地的可持續利用提供技術參攷。
위료구건황회해평원염감장애경지괄의적배비개토증산기술체계제공이론의거,재황회해평원전형경중도염감장애경지진행료2 a적시비시험,탐구비료결합개량제시용대염감장애경지적토양개량여작물증산효응。연구표명:부의고제고화비시용량능구재일정시기내제고작물산량,단시회조성토양염분승고,토양물이성질악화,불리우염감토개량여가지속이용。재괄도증시화비적기출상,결합시용개량제혹유궤비가이명현강저토양염분함량,유리우염감경지양분적루,현저제고작물산량:시험진행2 a후소맥산량분별교당지상규시비제고21.41%화27.72%,분별체도6.35×103화6.68×103 kg/hm2;옥미산량분별교당지상규시비제고10.44%화12.85%,분별체도7.68×103화7.85×103 kg/hm2。황회해평원염감장애농작구응당중시유궤비여개량제적시용,재강저토양염분함량、배비지력적기출상제고작물산량,실현구역토양자원가지속이용。해문가위황회해평원염감장애경지적가지속이용제공기술삼고。
Some studies about the effects of organic fertilizer and soil modifier have been carried out, from which it can be concluded that organic fertilizer and soil modifier play an important role for the improvement of soil physical and chemical conditions, such as the decrease of soil mass, accumulation of soil nutrition, and increase of crop yields. Very few of the prior studies had systematically explored nutrient models of fertility combined with organic fertilizer or soil modifier, among which even fewer touched upon saline-alkali soil. In this study through a two-year field experiment of fertilizer and modifier, five nutrient models (high fertility, high fertility combined with modifier, high fertility combined with organic fertilizer, local normal fertility (CK) and around average fertility) were designed to research the effects of the application of fertilizer combined with modifier on light-moderate saline soils in the North China Plain. By the study some results could be concluded: 1) Simply relying on improving fertilizer might increase crop yield to some extent in a certain short period of time, but may result in secondary salinization that will restrict the sustainable utilization of saline soil sources, for soil salt content under the condition of high fertility increased obviously after two years of this experiment. Together with an appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer, application of organic fertilizer or modifier could significantly reduce soil salt content: after two years of study, soil salt contents under the condition of high fertility combined with organic fertilizer or high fertility combined with modifier decreased 44.14% and 33.48%, respectively, which showed a significant contrast to the results under the condition of high fertility. 2) High fertility combined with organic fertilizer was propitious not only to the accumulation of organic matter but also to the enhancement of total nitrogen and some available nutrients in the soil, which revealed that after two years of this experiment, available nitrogen and available potassium improved by 11.98% and 4.36%, respectively. Similar results were also reached under the condition of high fertility combined with modifier, for available nitrogen and available potassium improved by 5.97% and 2.04%, respectively, after the two year experiment. 3) Nutrient models of high fertility combined with organic manure or modifier was not only in favor of the accumulation of soil nutrient but was also favorable for the improvement of crop yields: compared with the yields under the condition of normal fertility in the second year of this experiment, yields of wheat reached higher than 6.35×103 kg/hm2, increased by 27.72% and 21.41%, respectively; yields of corn reached higher than 7.68×103 kg/hm2, increased by 12.85% and 10.44%, respectively. 4) Since the nutrient models of high fertility combined with organic fertilizer or soil modifier could reduce soil salt content, increase soil nutrition and improve crop yields significantly, compared with other fertilizer management models in this area, more attention should be paid to the application of organic manure and modifier to reduce soil salinity, increase field productivity and improve yield, which is meaningful for the sustainable utilization of soil resources in the North China plain. 5) Although this study should be pushed forward to reveal the mechanism of the above conclusions, it surely provides a useful reference for fertilizer management in the North China Plain, which is supportive for the formation of a scientific, efficient and sustainable fertilizer manipulation that leads farmers to having a higher income from fields.