scleral buckling surgery%vitrectomy%rretinal de-tachment%retinal tears%vitreous hemorrhage%proliferative vit-reoretinopathy%silicone oil
Purpose:.To assess the ratio of the frequency of primary scle-ral buckling procedures versus the frequency of vitrectomies performed as treatment for rhegmatogenous retinal detach-ments in a primary retinal surgical department. <br> Methods:.The study included all patients with rhegmatoge-nous retinal detachments who underwent retinal or vitreoretinal surgery in the study period from 2002 to 2006..The size of the retinal defect and the amount of proliferative vitreoretinopathy were not exclusion criteria..Patients with tractional retinal de-tachment due to proliferative ischemic retinopathies were ex-cluded. <br> Results:.In the study period,.875 primary retinal and vitreo-retinal surgeries were performed on 875 eyes..Among the surgeries, episcleral sponges (42.9%) formed the largest part, followed by pars plana vitrectomies(35.0%) and encircling bands (22.2%)..Combining episcleral sponges and encircling bands into an episcleral surgery group revealed that two thirds (65%).of the surgeries were episcleral interventions..In the episcleral sponge group,.the retinal re-detachment rate after the first surgery was 13%. <br> Conclusion:.In a university department as a primary referral unit for retinal detachments, episcleral retinal surgery can still outnumber vitreoretinal interventions,.with retinal re-detach-ment rates which do not differ markedly from the re-detach-ment rates reported in randomized trials comparing vitreoreti-nal surgery with episcleral surgery. (Eye Science 2014; 29:53-54).