China Real Estate
United States%Commercial real estate%Multifamily mortgage%Securitization%CMBS
U.S. economic recovery is supported by the commercial real estate especially multifamily housing. The vacancy rate for the apartment buildings is at lowest level and decreases most rapidly, but the decreasing acceleration velocity is getting slower, and demand expansion is also slower. Commercial mortgage recovers slowly, and its contraction spread tends to be narrow, probably becomes the main supporting factor for the real estate recovery after the multifamily mortgages. The recovery of commercial real estate is strongly supported by the federal government, and also strongly supported by the agency and GSE-backed mortgage pool, national depository institution and private pension fund. The situation of credit risks for commercial and multifamily mortgages has improved even faster. In the coming future, the price of commercial real estate will tend to increase, but increasing price of apartments will slow down. The sales of commercial real estate will increase slowly, and so will those of multifamily housing, but the increasing of it will be slow. The decreasing vacancy rate of multifamily will turn to increase slowly in the second half of this year, and increasing of multifamily housing starts will begin to slow down, and probably be stable or happen to go down in the second half of next year. Commercial mortgage will tend to increase slowly. The increasing of multifamily mortgage will slow down, and will turn to decrease in the second half of next year. The issuance of CMBS will increase, but the outstanding of it will increase slowly. Delinquency rates of commercial mortgage and that in the commercial banks and CMBS will continue to decrease. Spread in various risky levels will be stable or tend to increase slowly. Market of commercial real estate will probably be a little bit more active, and the situation of real estate will be a little better as a whole next year than this year.