core self-evaluations%core self-evaluations scale
This present study tested the Chinese Core Self-Evaluations Scale. Recently, Judge et al. (1997) proposed a higher order construct they termed core self-evaluations and defined core self-evalua- tions as basic conclusions or bottom-line evaluations that individuals hold about themselves. According to Judge et al. (1997), this construct is a broad dispositional trait that is indicated by four more specific traits--self esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control and emotional stability. The past research has showed that core self-evaluations play an important role in attitudes and behavior at work and life. Based on the core self-evaluations theory, Judge et al. (2003) developed a direct measure of this trait--Core Self-Evaluations Scale (CSES). Thus, the purpose of this article is to revise and test the reliability and validation of Chinese Core Self-Evaluations Scale. Participants were a sample of 184 employee from 3 companies and 386 students randomly selected in the self-study classrooms from a comprehensive universi- ty. In the process of the collection 44 surveys were eliminated and 526 usable surveys were obtained. We measured core self-evaluations with twelve items from Judge's (1997) Core Self-Evaluations Scale. The English version was, firstly, translated into Chinese, and then the Chinese one was back-translated into English. Both translate revealed few problems with the meaning of the scale. Besides, we revised the Chi- nese version on the base of interview from ten students and evaluation from two psychology professors, we also measured life satisfaction with five-item Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diner, Emmons, et al. 1985). This study conducted all statistical analyses using SPSSll.5 to test reliability and validation of two scales and Amos4.0 to test the hypothesized structure and alternative structure of the core self-evaluations con- cept. The internal consistency reliability of the scale was 0.83, the split-half reliability was 0.84 and the test-retest reliability was 0.82(three weeks). At the same time the correlation between item score and scale score showed that the scale has good item discrimination. Correlation analysis showed that there was a pos- itive and strong relation between core self-evaluations and life satisfaction, and the correlation coefficient was 0.476 (p〈0.001). This research used the cross-validation method. Exploratory factor analysis that used half of date demonstrated that the result is rational when extracted one factor in items level, but the factor analysis result got better when the item 3 and item 9 were deleted. Confirmatory factor analysis result that used another half of date suggested that the fit statistics represented a good fit of the hypothesized model to the data and the hypothesized model better than other alternative model.This study was the first time re- vised and tested the Core Self-Evaluations Scale in China. The results were consistent with other studies conducted in West Country except for a few items. From the standpoint of psychology research, this scale needs to be revised in further research especially item 3 and item 9, and it also need further research to test other samples, for example, nurses, teachers and so on. Overall, the results suggest that the Chinese core self-evaluations scale is a valid measure that could be used in attitude and behavior studies in industrial-organizational and applied psychology.