inter-city underground railway tunnel%grade of surrounding rock%distance between primary support/secondary lining and working face%tunnel cross-section
以莞惠城际轨道交通工程松山湖隧道施工为例,通过对隧道各工序作业时间分析、隧道设计与施工类比和施工模型图说明,认为铁建设[2010]120号文在修建城际地下铁路隧道方面尚存在一定的适应性和可操作性的问题,并提出以下建议:1)Ⅵ级围岩隧道,初期支护封闭成环位置距离掌子面由原35 m调整为50 m,二次衬砌距离掌子面由原70 m调整为85 m(除文中所述几种特殊情况外);2)Ⅴ级围岩隧道,初期支护封闭成环位置距离掌子面由原35 m调整为55 m,二次衬砌距离掌子面由原70 m调整为90 m;3)Ⅳ级围岩隧道,初期支护封闭成环位置距离掌子面由原35 m调整为65 m,二次衬砌距离掌子面由原90 m调整为120 m。
以莞惠城際軌道交通工程鬆山湖隧道施工為例,通過對隧道各工序作業時間分析、隧道設計與施工類比和施工模型圖說明,認為鐵建設[2010]120號文在脩建城際地下鐵路隧道方麵尚存在一定的適應性和可操作性的問題,併提齣以下建議:1)Ⅵ級圍巖隧道,初期支護封閉成環位置距離掌子麵由原35 m調整為50 m,二次襯砌距離掌子麵由原70 m調整為85 m(除文中所述幾種特殊情況外);2)Ⅴ級圍巖隧道,初期支護封閉成環位置距離掌子麵由原35 m調整為55 m,二次襯砌距離掌子麵由原70 m調整為90 m;3)Ⅳ級圍巖隧道,初期支護封閉成環位置距離掌子麵由原35 m調整為65 m,二次襯砌距離掌子麵由原90 m調整為120 m。
이완혜성제궤도교통공정송산호수도시공위례,통과대수도각공서작업시간분석、수도설계여시공류비화시공모형도설명,인위철건설[2010]120호문재수건성제지하철로수도방면상존재일정적괄응성화가조작성적문제,병제출이하건의:1)Ⅵ급위암수도,초기지호봉폐성배위치거리장자면유원35 m조정위50 m,이차츤체거리장자면유원70 m조정위85 m(제문중소술궤충특수정황외);2)Ⅴ급위암수도,초기지호봉폐성배위치거리장자면유원35 m조정위55 m,이차츤체거리장자면유원70 m조정위90 m;3)Ⅳ급위암수도,초기지호봉폐성배위치거리장자면유원35 m조정위65 m,이차츤체거리장자면유원90 m조정위120 m。
In this article,the construction cycle time and construction model of Songshanhu tunnel on Dongguan-Huizhou inter-city railway are analyzed,and comparison and contrast is made between national railway tunnels and inter-city railway tunnel.It is believed that the requirements specified in Tiejianshe No.[2010]120 are not applicable to the construction of inter-city railway tunnels.Proposals made are follows:1 )For inter-city railway tunnels in Grade Ⅵsurrounding rock,the distance between the primary support and the working face should be optimized from 35 m to 50 m,and the distance between the secondary lining and the working face should be optimized form 70 m to 85 m;2)For tunnels in Grade Ⅴ surrounding rock,the distance between the primary support and the working face should be optimized from 35 m to 55 m,and the distance between the secondary lining and the working face should be optimized form 70 m to 90 m;3 )For tunnel in Grade Ⅳ surrounding rock,the distance between the primary support and the working face should be optimized from 35 m to 65 m,and the distance between the secondary lining and the working face should be optimized from 90 m to 120 m.