燕麦(Avena sativa L.)%贮藏物质%积累
燕麥(Avena sativa L.)%貯藏物質%積纍
연맥(Avena sativa L.)%저장물질%적루
Oats(Avena L.)%storage substance%accumulation
以皮燕麦、裸燕麦各两个品种为研究对象,并对其主要营养成分淀粉、蛋白质、脂质、β-葡聚糖等的含量变化、积累规律进行分析测定。通过对皮、裸燕麦籽粒整个生育期淀粉、蛋白质、脂质、β-葡聚糖等的变化规律的研究得出,从开花到籽粒完全成熟,供试品种的淀粉含量均呈S曲线持续增长,积累速率高峰出现在灌浆中期,皮燕麦淀粉含量显著高于裸燕麦;蛋白质含量呈不对称的V字形积累,在花后12 d左右达到低谷,裸燕麦蛋白质含量显著高于皮燕麦;脂质含量呈不对称的倒V字形积累,花后20 d左右达最高值,皮、裸燕麦脂质含量无明显差异;β-葡聚糖百分含量呈S型趋势持续增长,裸燕麦β-葡聚糖含量高于皮燕麦。
以皮燕麥、裸燕麥各兩箇品種為研究對象,併對其主要營養成分澱粉、蛋白質、脂質、β-葡聚糖等的含量變化、積纍規律進行分析測定。通過對皮、裸燕麥籽粒整箇生育期澱粉、蛋白質、脂質、β-葡聚糖等的變化規律的研究得齣,從開花到籽粒完全成熟,供試品種的澱粉含量均呈S麯線持續增長,積纍速率高峰齣現在灌漿中期,皮燕麥澱粉含量顯著高于裸燕麥;蛋白質含量呈不對稱的V字形積纍,在花後12 d左右達到低穀,裸燕麥蛋白質含量顯著高于皮燕麥;脂質含量呈不對稱的倒V字形積纍,花後20 d左右達最高值,皮、裸燕麥脂質含量無明顯差異;β-葡聚糖百分含量呈S型趨勢持續增長,裸燕麥β-葡聚糖含量高于皮燕麥。
이피연맥、라연맥각량개품충위연구대상,병대기주요영양성분정분、단백질、지질、β-포취당등적함량변화、적루규률진행분석측정。통과대피、라연맥자립정개생육기정분、단백질、지질、β-포취당등적변화규률적연구득출,종개화도자립완전성숙,공시품충적정분함량균정S곡선지속증장,적루속솔고봉출현재관장중기,피연맥정분함량현저고우라연맥;단백질함량정불대칭적V자형적루,재화후12 d좌우체도저곡,라연맥단백질함량현저고우피연맥;지질함량정불대칭적도V자형적루,화후20 d좌우체최고치,피、라연맥지질함량무명현차이;β-포취당백분함량정S형추세지속증장,라연맥β-포취당함량고우피연맥。
The development of the caryopsis for two types of oats, husk and naked oats,were studied in this thesis by using anatomical and histochemistrical methods , and the accumulation of main storing substances , starch, protein, lipid and β-glucan in the grains were studied as well in the thesis. The results about time courses of starch, protein, lipid, and β-glucan contents in hulled and naked oat grains during seed development stage showed that from anthesis to grain matured absolutely , the starch percentage of the grains presented a increasing S-curve, and the peak of starch accumulation velocity was at middle grain filling stage, the starch content in hulled oat was higher than naked oat; the protein percentage presented parabola with upward open, at 12th day after anthesis, it reduced to the lowest point, the protein content in hulled oat is significantly less than naked oat;the lipid percentage presented parabola, with downward open, at 20th day, it increased to the highest point, the lipid content in hulled oat is slightly more than naked oat;and β-glucan percentage increased with time in S-curve , theβ-glucan content in naked oat is more than hulled oat.