biological control%bio-control plants%banker plant system%repellent plants%insecticidal plants%host resistant plants%natural enemies%organic agriculture
在现代农业,特别是有机农业的害虫防治系统中,除有益生物(主要指节肢动物)在害虫防治中发挥关键作用外,一些植物本身也发挥了重要的作用。这些植物包括抗虫植物、诱集植物、拒避植物、杀虫植物、载体植物、养虫植物以及显花(虫媒)植物等,它们是害虫生物防治的重要组成部分,并在害虫生物防治中起着越来越重要的作用。本文根据目前国内外的研究情况,提出一个害虫生物防治植物或简称生防植物(bio-control plant)新概念,并对不同生物防治植物应用及作用机理进行阐述,分析不同生物防治植物未来的发展前景和面临的挑战。
在現代農業,特彆是有機農業的害蟲防治繫統中,除有益生物(主要指節肢動物)在害蟲防治中髮揮關鍵作用外,一些植物本身也髮揮瞭重要的作用。這些植物包括抗蟲植物、誘集植物、拒避植物、殺蟲植物、載體植物、養蟲植物以及顯花(蟲媒)植物等,它們是害蟲生物防治的重要組成部分,併在害蟲生物防治中起著越來越重要的作用。本文根據目前國內外的研究情況,提齣一箇害蟲生物防治植物或簡稱生防植物(bio-control plant)新概唸,併對不同生物防治植物應用及作用機理進行闡述,分析不同生物防治植物未來的髮展前景和麵臨的挑戰。
재현대농업,특별시유궤농업적해충방치계통중,제유익생물(주요지절지동물)재해충방치중발휘관건작용외,일사식물본신야발휘료중요적작용。저사식물포괄항충식물、유집식물、거피식물、살충식물、재체식물、양충식물이급현화(충매)식물등,타문시해충생물방치적중요조성부분,병재해충생물방치중기착월래월중요적작용。본문근거목전국내외적연구정황,제출일개해충생물방치식물혹간칭생방식물(bio-control plant)신개념,병대불동생물방치식물응용급작용궤리진행천술,분석불동생물방치식물미래적발전전경화면림적도전。
The modern organic agriculture has increasingly become a hot topic worldwide. In general, organic agriculture is complied with organic standards set by national governments and international organizations. The rule does not involve modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. With the growing emphasis on the environment and the food safety, the discovery and development of effective biological control approaches, especially in botanically based techniques, such as botanically derived pesticides to manage arthropod pest populations is facing a new challenge. This review is intended to discuss bio-control plants and provide insights of these plants used for potential biological control of arthropod pests in the field of crop protection. As all known, all crops or plants are always attacked by their enemies, i.e. arthropod pests. In most cases, the plant species or diversities within crop ecosystem provide an excellent opportunities for manage pests in organic agricultural production. Under certain circumstances, these crops or plants can rely on their own defense strategies, such as plant physiological and biochemical merits, against arthropod pest population. These plant defense strategies are playing key role in regulation of arthropod pest populations. Therefore, the botanically based techniques are particularly useful in pest management of the organic agriculture. Based on the studies, a new concept, bio-control plants (BCP), or bio-control plant agent, was emerging. The bio-control plants are defined as these plant species that could be used as biological control agents direct or indirectly to eliminate or manage the targeted arthropod pests, these bio-control plants include host-resistant plants, insecticidal plants, repellent plants, flowering plants, insectary plants (for natural enemies) and so on. The bio-control plants, in general, consist of three types of plant species based on plant characteristic and functional response to arthropod pest attacks. 1) The crops or plants that have specific chemical or physical characteristic which could be used to reduce, repel or kill pests, such as naturally- resistant crops, or botanical based host-resistant transgenic plants, and insecticidal plants;2) The crops or plants that could deliver specific nutrients to natural enemies for development and reproduction, e. g, specific insectary plants, banker plants, and specific flowering plants; 3) The crops or plants that could provide shelter or reproduction habitats, such field-side plants (weeds). Generally speaking, the bio-control plants have several advantages:First, as naturally or botanically based techniques, the bio-control plant agents provide new option approach for managing important arthropod pests. The plant-based agents introduced to the crop ecosystem would make growers implement easily, overall significantly reduce pesticides or other chemical inputs in the modern organ agriculture;these environmental friendly approaches would increase crop yields and increasingly assure food safety. Secondly, the bio-control plants may highly effective support natural enemy without risks, e.g., the banker plants or specific flowering plants. Overall vegetation diversity within the crop ecosystem may in part offer wider range of nectar (carbohydrate) and pollen (protein) resources from flowering plants for beneficial against arthropods during growing season. Thirdly, the bio-control plants could be compatible with other biologically control methods. Without doubt, the bio-control plants put emphasis on substantial natural suppression mechanism of targeted pests either throughout natural enemies or plant self function within a crop system. This exploitation of the bio-control plants should be bright and great benefit to producer and customers in future.