萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)%不同品种%硝酸盐含量
蘿蔔(Raphanus sativus L.)%不同品種%硝痠鹽含量
라복(Raphanus sativus L.)%불동품충%초산염함량
Raphanus sativusl%different varieties%nitrate comparision
以10个品种萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)为材料,测定萝卜不同品种不同部位的硝酸盐含量。结果表明,10个品种萝卜硝酸盐含量由高到低为春翡翠、潍县萝卜、特好吃水仙青、北京甜脆、德日2号、“791”、地黄缨、丰光、南鲁堡、新科791。10个品种除春翡翠是三级污染外,污染程度均为轻度或中度。真根部分的硝酸盐含量最高的是春翡翠,最低的是新科791;根颈部分硝酸盐含量最高的是春翡翠,最低的是南鲁堡;真根部分的硝酸盐含量要高于根颈(地黄缨除外)。韧皮部分的硝酸盐含量最高的是潍县萝卜,最低的是南鲁堡;木质部硝酸盐含量最高的是春翡翠,最低的是潍县萝卜。韧皮部的硝酸盐含量小于木质部(潍县萝卜和德日2号除外)。
以10箇品種蘿蔔(Raphanus sativus L.)為材料,測定蘿蔔不同品種不同部位的硝痠鹽含量。結果錶明,10箇品種蘿蔔硝痠鹽含量由高到低為春翡翠、濰縣蘿蔔、特好喫水仙青、北京甜脆、德日2號、“791”、地黃纓、豐光、南魯堡、新科791。10箇品種除春翡翠是三級汙染外,汙染程度均為輕度或中度。真根部分的硝痠鹽含量最高的是春翡翠,最低的是新科791;根頸部分硝痠鹽含量最高的是春翡翠,最低的是南魯堡;真根部分的硝痠鹽含量要高于根頸(地黃纓除外)。韌皮部分的硝痠鹽含量最高的是濰縣蘿蔔,最低的是南魯堡;木質部硝痠鹽含量最高的是春翡翠,最低的是濰縣蘿蔔。韌皮部的硝痠鹽含量小于木質部(濰縣蘿蔔和德日2號除外)。
이10개품충라복(Raphanus sativus L.)위재료,측정라복불동품충불동부위적초산염함량。결과표명,10개품충라복초산염함량유고도저위춘비취、유현라복、특호흘수선청、북경첨취、덕일2호、“791”、지황영、봉광、남로보、신과791。10개품충제춘비취시삼급오염외,오염정도균위경도혹중도。진근부분적초산염함량최고적시춘비취,최저적시신과791;근경부분초산염함량최고적시춘비취,최저적시남로보;진근부분적초산염함량요고우근경(지황영제외)。인피부분적초산염함량최고적시유현라복,최저적시남로보;목질부초산염함량최고적시춘비취,최저적시유현라복。인피부적초산염함량소우목질부(유현라복화덕일2호제외)。
Taking 10 radish varieties as materials the nitrate contents of different radish varieties and different parts of radish were studied. Results showed that the order from high to low nitrate contents of 10 radish varieties was spring jadeite>county turnip>especially delicious together narcissus green>Beijing sweet crisp> Germany and Japan No. 2>“791”>cherry>FengGuang>Nanlubao>Xinke 791. The highest nitrate content of radish variety was spring jadeite and the lowest was the Xinke 791. The degree of contamination of 9 radish varieties were mild and moderate, but the spring jadeite was serious. In the real root, the highest nitrate content of radish variety was spring jadeite and the lowest was the Xinke 791. In the root collar, the highest nitrate content of radish variety was spring jadeite and the lowest was the Nanlubao. The nitrate content of real root was higher than that of root collar. In the phloem, the highest nitrate content of radish variety was county turnip and the lowest was the Nanlubao. In the xylem, the highest nitrate content of radish variety was spring jadeite and the lowest was the county turnip. The nitrate content of phloem was higher than that of xylem.