多耐药性肺结核%左氧氟沙星%莫西沙星%HRZE 化疗%研究对比
多耐藥性肺結覈%左氧氟沙星%莫西沙星%HRZE 化療%研究對比
다내약성폐결핵%좌양불사성%막서사성%HRZE 화료%연구대비
Multidrug resistant tuberculosis%Levofloxacin%Moxifloxacin%HRZE chemotherapy%Comparative study
目的:对莫西沙星与左氧氟沙星联合 HRZE 化疗方案用于耐药性肺结核中的临床治疗效果进行对比研究。方法选取100例2012年9月至2013年10月接受治疗的多耐药性肺结核患者,将其平均分为两组,即对照组与观察组,在对两组患者均实施 HRZE 化疗的基础上,对照组患者实施左氧氟沙星治疗,观察组实施莫西沙星治疗,分析与对比对两组患者治疗效果、痰菌转阴率和不良反应发生情况。结果观察组患者治疗总有效率为94.0%,而对照组治疗总有效率为56.0%,其治疗总有效率对比,观察组明显优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义( P ﹤0.05)。在治疗过程中,观察组患者治疗的各个时期的痰菌转阴率均比对照组患者要高,差异具有统计学意义( P ﹤0.05)。观察组患者不良反应发生率达到6.0%,而对照组患者则为24.0%,观察组明显低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义( P ﹤0.05)。结论莫西沙星联合 HRZE化疗方案能够有效治疗耐多药性肺结核,使其痰菌转阴率上升,降低患者不良反应发生率,值得临床应用与推广。
目的:對莫西沙星與左氧氟沙星聯閤 HRZE 化療方案用于耐藥性肺結覈中的臨床治療效果進行對比研究。方法選取100例2012年9月至2013年10月接受治療的多耐藥性肺結覈患者,將其平均分為兩組,即對照組與觀察組,在對兩組患者均實施 HRZE 化療的基礎上,對照組患者實施左氧氟沙星治療,觀察組實施莫西沙星治療,分析與對比對兩組患者治療效果、痰菌轉陰率和不良反應髮生情況。結果觀察組患者治療總有效率為94.0%,而對照組治療總有效率為56.0%,其治療總有效率對比,觀察組明顯優于對照組,差異具有統計學意義( P ﹤0.05)。在治療過程中,觀察組患者治療的各箇時期的痰菌轉陰率均比對照組患者要高,差異具有統計學意義( P ﹤0.05)。觀察組患者不良反應髮生率達到6.0%,而對照組患者則為24.0%,觀察組明顯低于對照組,差異具有統計學意義( P ﹤0.05)。結論莫西沙星聯閤 HRZE化療方案能夠有效治療耐多藥性肺結覈,使其痰菌轉陰率上升,降低患者不良反應髮生率,值得臨床應用與推廣。
목적:대막서사성여좌양불사성연합 HRZE 화료방안용우내약성폐결핵중적림상치료효과진행대비연구。방법선취100례2012년9월지2013년10월접수치료적다내약성폐결핵환자,장기평균분위량조,즉대조조여관찰조,재대량조환자균실시 HRZE 화료적기출상,대조조환자실시좌양불사성치료,관찰조실시막서사성치료,분석여대비대량조환자치료효과、담균전음솔화불량반응발생정황。결과관찰조환자치료총유효솔위94.0%,이대조조치료총유효솔위56.0%,기치료총유효솔대비,관찰조명현우우대조조,차이구유통계학의의( P ﹤0.05)。재치료과정중,관찰조환자치료적각개시기적담균전음솔균비대조조환자요고,차이구유통계학의의( P ﹤0.05)。관찰조환자불량반응발생솔체도6.0%,이대조조환자칙위24.0%,관찰조명현저우대조조,차이구유통계학의의( P ﹤0.05)。결론막서사성연합 HRZE화료방안능구유효치료내다약성폐결핵,사기담균전음솔상승,강저환자불량반응발생솔,치득림상응용여추엄。
Objective Analysis and comparison of moxifloxacin and levofloxacin combined with HRZE chemotherapy for clinical therapeu-tic effect of drug resistance in pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods 100 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with multidrug resistance from 2012 Septem-ber - 2013 year in October in our hospital were included into this study. All these patients were divided into two groups,namely control group and observation group,on the basis of two groups of patients the implementation of HRZE chemotherapy,control group with the implementation of levo-floxacin in the treatment of patients. The implementation of moxifloxacin in the treatment of the observation group was compared,analyzed. The sputum negative conversion rate and the incidence of adverse reaction were compared. Results In the observation group,the total effective rate was 94. 0% ,while the total effective rate in the control group was 56. 0% . The treatment efficiency of contrast in the observation group was better than that of the control group. The difference is obvious( P ﹤ 0. 05)with statistical significance in the course of treatment. The sputum negative conversion rate in observation group patients in different periods is higher than that of the patients in the control group. The difference is obvious( P ﹤ 0. 05)with statistical significance. The occurrence of adverse reaction rate is 6. 0% in groups of patients. The rate in the control group pa-tients 24. 0% . The rate of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group( P ﹤ 0. 05)with statistical significance. Conclusion Moxifloxacin,combined with HRZE chemotherapy can be an effective treatment of multi drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. The method can reduce the sputum negative conversion rate,the incidence of adverse reactions in patients. This method is worthy of clinical application and promotion.