China Earthquake Engineering Journal
Hongyan River nuclear power plant%high slope%sliding surface method%static finite element method%dynamic finite element method%safety factor%stability analysis
Several Chinese nuclear power plants are in earthquake-prone areas.Thus,slope failures due to earthquakes can disrupt the normal operation of nuclear power plants.Seismic design safety calculations for nuclear power plants take the advantage of computation methods such as the slip surface,the static finite element,and the dynamic finite element method.The current nuclear spec-ifications recommend using the three different methods of analysis that satisfy the regulatory re-quirements without giving additional guidance.Seismic slope stability analysis was used to exam-ine the intake tunnel of the Hongyan River nuclear power plant.The model boundary conditions for horizontal and vertical seismic motion were established.When the lower boundary is fixed, there is the effect of the vertical displacement on the lateral boundary.When the lower boundary for the horizontal seismic motion is fixed,there is the effect of the horizontal displacement on the lateral boundary.The input seismic data were taken from earthquake evaluation reports.The peak horizontal acceleration of the sl-2 ground motions is 0.18 g,and the vertical acceleration peak is 0. 12 g.The safety factor for the high slope and sliding surface position subjected to seismic loading is calculated first by the sliding surface method,and then by the static and dynamic finite element methods.Furthermore,the minimum safety factor and the minimum average safety factor of the slope are obtained according to the history curves of the safety factor.For vertical seismic motion, the sliding surface method and the static finite element method result in safety factor values of 1. 296 and 1.326,respectively.The minimum safety factor is 1.163.The results of the calculations and the analysis suggest reasonable improvement for the side slope.The cutting slope unloading scheme is necessary because the safety factor of the natural slope cannot satisfy the specifications of the seismic design code for nuclear power plants.For vertical seismic motion,the calculated ex-cavation slope safety factor with the sliding surface method is 1.524,whereas the safety factor cal-culated with the static finite element method is 1.508.The minimum safety factor calculated with the dynamic finite element method is 1.307.The calculated safety factor satisfies the code require-ments after the cutting slope unloading scheme is adopted.Evidently,the calculation methods can be used in the seismic slope stability analysis of similar conditions.