warm-sector heavy rainfall%squall line%occlusion%cold pool%bow echo
利用地面加密观测资料、高空观测资料、多普勒雷达观测和雷达风场反演资料等,分析造成2010年5月6-7日华南暴雨中一次飑线的演变过程及三维结构特征。结果表明:(1)此次飑线过程发生于200 hPa高空辐散区、500 hPa高空槽后、地面准静止锋锋前暖区内,850 hPa飑线北侧为切变线,东南侧存在低空急流,中低层为中等强度垂直风切变。(2)该飑线系统初始对流单体由西风受广西大瑶山脉地形阻挡而触发。发展过程中两广交界处不断生成新单体,东移发展并入对流带,单体发展及对流带的形成与地面中尺度辐合线关系密切。(3)该飑线在形成过程中存在对流带与对流单体的锢囚过程,锢囚过程中地面辐合线及中层中气旋起组织作用,至盛期对流带东段出现弓形回波结构。强降水拖曳、雨滴蒸发冷却增强下沉气流及中层冷空气入流,造成地面冷池及后部辐散出流,促进弓形回波发展。(4)成熟期飑线系统包含弓形回波、冷池及不明显的层状云区,三维结构特征与经典飑线类似,但无涡旋对,雷暴高压也不明显。
利用地麵加密觀測資料、高空觀測資料、多普勒雷達觀測和雷達風場反縯資料等,分析造成2010年5月6-7日華南暴雨中一次颮線的縯變過程及三維結構特徵。結果錶明:(1)此次颮線過程髮生于200 hPa高空輻散區、500 hPa高空槽後、地麵準靜止鋒鋒前暖區內,850 hPa颮線北側為切變線,東南側存在低空急流,中低層為中等彊度垂直風切變。(2)該颮線繫統初始對流單體由西風受廣西大瑤山脈地形阻擋而觸髮。髮展過程中兩廣交界處不斷生成新單體,東移髮展併入對流帶,單體髮展及對流帶的形成與地麵中呎度輻閤線關繫密切。(3)該颮線在形成過程中存在對流帶與對流單體的錮囚過程,錮囚過程中地麵輻閤線及中層中氣鏇起組織作用,至盛期對流帶東段齣現弓形迴波結構。彊降水拖抴、雨滴蒸髮冷卻增彊下沉氣流及中層冷空氣入流,造成地麵冷池及後部輻散齣流,促進弓形迴波髮展。(4)成熟期颮線繫統包含弓形迴波、冷池及不明顯的層狀雲區,三維結構特徵與經典颮線類似,但無渦鏇對,雷暴高壓也不明顯。
이용지면가밀관측자료、고공관측자료、다보륵뢰체관측화뢰체풍장반연자료등,분석조성2010년5월6-7일화남폭우중일차박선적연변과정급삼유결구특정。결과표명:(1)차차박선과정발생우200 hPa고공복산구、500 hPa고공조후、지면준정지봉봉전난구내,850 hPa박선북측위절변선,동남측존재저공급류,중저층위중등강도수직풍절변。(2)해박선계통초시대류단체유서풍수엄서대요산맥지형조당이촉발。발전과정중량엄교계처불단생성신단체,동이발전병입대류대,단체발전급대류대적형성여지면중척도복합선관계밀절。(3)해박선재형성과정중존재대류대여대류단체적고수과정,고수과정중지면복합선급중층중기선기조직작용,지성기대류대동단출현궁형회파결구。강강수타예、우적증발냉각증강하침기류급중층랭공기입류,조성지면랭지급후부복산출류,촉진궁형회파발전。(4)성숙기박선계통포함궁형회파、랭지급불명현적층상운구,삼유결구특정여경전박선유사,단무와선대,뇌폭고압야불명현。
Based on the intensive surface observational data, sounding data, and Doppler radar echo and wind retrievals, the evolution and three-dimensional structure of a squall line leading to the heavy rainfall over Southern China during 6-7 May of 2010 were investigated. The results are as follows. (1) The squall line occurred in a broad region which is under the divergence area at 200 hPa, behind the upper trough at 500 hPa and in front of the quasi-stationary front. A shear line and a low-level jet existed, respectively, on the north and southeast of the squall line at 850 hPa. There was a moderate-intensity vertical wind shear at middle-low level of the squall line. (2) The sporadic convection cells in the squall line system were triggered by the blocking effect of the Dayao Mountain on the westerly wind. New convection cells were constantly generated at the border of Guangdong and Guangxi province. They moved eastward while developing and ultimately incorporated into the former eastern convection belt rapidly. Both the evolution of the convective cells and the formation of convective belt had close rela-tionship with the middle-scale convergence line near the surface. (3) During the evolution of this squall line, the convection belt and cells were occluded by the interaction of the mesoscale convergence lines near the surface and the meso-cyclone in the middle level;the eastern part of the convective line developed into a bowing echo at the mature stage. The downdraft and the inflow of cold air at middle level were en-hanced by the heavy rain drag and the water evaporation effects, which further intensified the cold pool and the divergence in the rear of the squall line, thus favored the development of the bow echo. (4) At the mature stage, bow echo, cold pool and weak stratiform cloud were evi-dent. The three-dimensional structure of this squall line was similar to that of the classic ones except for the facts that the bookend vortices were failed to appear and the thunderstorm high was weak.