Journal of Southwest Agricultural University (Social Science Edition)
content knowledge%missing paradigm%pedagogical content knowledge (PCK )%proposi-tional know ledge%case know ledge%strategic know ledge
首先考察对比100年前后美国教师招考的试题,指出当代教学研究和教师教育中存在忽视课目知识的“缺失范式”。接着报告所进行的“教学活动中的知识生长”研究项目,该项目旨在探明教学活动中知识是如何生长的。据此,提出了一种新的教师课目内容知识观,其中包括新兴的“课目教育学知识”(PCK ),同时阐明:课目教育学知识实质上是课目内容知识的一种特殊形式,超越了课目主题知识而关涉到了课目主题知识的教学性维度。就知识表征形式而论,课目教育学知识包括命题知识、案例知识和策略知识三种形式,其中命题知识有原理、格言和规范三种类型;案例知识有原型、实例和寓言三种类型;策略知识则是基于对命题知识和案例知识的理解与升华,在应用中超越原理而通达实践智慧的生成性知识。最后强调:专业必须拥有知识,教师就是智者,教师教学专业能力就是对课目教育学知识的生产与应用,所以需要创新研究型教师教育课程设计。
首先攷察對比100年前後美國教師招攷的試題,指齣噹代教學研究和教師教育中存在忽視課目知識的“缺失範式”。接著報告所進行的“教學活動中的知識生長”研究項目,該項目旨在探明教學活動中知識是如何生長的。據此,提齣瞭一種新的教師課目內容知識觀,其中包括新興的“課目教育學知識”(PCK ),同時闡明:課目教育學知識實質上是課目內容知識的一種特殊形式,超越瞭課目主題知識而關涉到瞭課目主題知識的教學性維度。就知識錶徵形式而論,課目教育學知識包括命題知識、案例知識和策略知識三種形式,其中命題知識有原理、格言和規範三種類型;案例知識有原型、實例和寓言三種類型;策略知識則是基于對命題知識和案例知識的理解與升華,在應用中超越原理而通達實踐智慧的生成性知識。最後彊調:專業必鬚擁有知識,教師就是智者,教師教學專業能力就是對課目教育學知識的生產與應用,所以需要創新研究型教師教育課程設計。
수선고찰대비100년전후미국교사초고적시제,지출당대교학연구화교사교육중존재홀시과목지식적“결실범식”。접착보고소진행적“교학활동중적지식생장”연구항목,해항목지재탐명교학활동중지식시여하생장적。거차,제출료일충신적교사과목내용지식관,기중포괄신흥적“과목교육학지식”(PCK ),동시천명:과목교육학지식실질상시과목내용지식적일충특수형식,초월료과목주제지식이관섭도료과목주제지식적교학성유도。취지식표정형식이론,과목교육학지식포괄명제지식、안례지식화책략지식삼충형식,기중명제지식유원리、격언화규범삼충류형;안례지식유원형、실례화우언삼충류형;책략지식칙시기우대명제지식화안례지식적리해여승화,재응용중초월원리이통체실천지혜적생성성지식。최후강조:전업필수옹유지식,교사취시지자,교사교학전업능력취시대과목교육학지식적생산여응용,소이수요창신연구형교사교육과정설계。
This paper ,based on comparing the tests for teachers that were used in U .S .A .in 1875 with the standards for teaching in 1985 ,reveals that missing paradigm refers to a blind spot with re-spect to content that now characterizes most research on teaching and most of programs of teacher e-valuation and teacher certification .It continues to report the research program ,“Knowledge Growth in Teaching” ,which is particular for our understanding of how knowledge grows in teaching .Through this ,Lee S .Shulman presents a new perspective on teacher know ledge and ,among it ,coins the Peda-gogical Content Knowledge (PCK ) ,which is so potential and valuable that ,up to now ,it always highlights the developmental directions of teacher know ledge and professionalization of teaching as w ell as curriculum reform in teacher education .He argues that PCK is a specific kind of content know ledge ,w hich goes beyond know ledge of subject matter per se to the dimension of subject matter knowledge for teaching and the aspects of content most germane to its teachability .In view of forms of representing the knowledge ,PCK would consist of three forms of teacher knowledge-propositional knowledge (PK) ,case knowledge (CK) ,and strategic knowledge (SK) .PK refers to these three types of propositions as principles ,maxims ,and norms ;and CK refers also to three types of cases as prototypes ,precedents and parables ,and SK is based on the knowledge of the relevant propositions and cases and must be generated to extend understanding beyond principle to the wisdom of practice . Finally it suggests that the professional holds know ledge ,and teachers are those w ho understand ,and then teacher professional skill refers to generation and application of PCK so as to need to innovate in the design of research-based programs of teacher education .