Rhododendron%pollen tube%cross compatibility
以映山红(Rhododendron simsii)及锦绣杜鹃(Rhododendron pulchrum)为母本,分别与杜鹃属15种杜鹃进行杂交授粉试验,观察授粉后花粉在柱头上萌发与花粉管生长状况,分析杜鹃远缘杂交组合的亲和性。结果显示,所有父本花粉都能在映山红及锦绣杜鹃柱头表面附着并萌发,花粉管生长情况和异常花粉管的比率因父本不同而情况各异。与锦绣杜鹃组合相比,映山红组合花粉管到达花柱底部速度快、数量多,异常花粉管比率低,部分锦绣杜鹃杂交组合,花粉管在花柱中、上部生长受阻,表明映山红组合种间杂交亲和性较高。亲和性较差的杂交组合,花粉管生长易出现扭曲、螺旋、膨大、破裂以及胼胝质过多沉积等现象,但自交与种内杂交组合也存在各种花粉管生长异常状况。结果表明,花粉管异常的类型与杂交亲和性无直接联系,但异常花粉管出现的比率与杂交亲和性相关。
以映山紅(Rhododendron simsii)及錦繡杜鵑(Rhododendron pulchrum)為母本,分彆與杜鵑屬15種杜鵑進行雜交授粉試驗,觀察授粉後花粉在柱頭上萌髮與花粉管生長狀況,分析杜鵑遠緣雜交組閤的親和性。結果顯示,所有父本花粉都能在映山紅及錦繡杜鵑柱頭錶麵附著併萌髮,花粉管生長情況和異常花粉管的比率因父本不同而情況各異。與錦繡杜鵑組閤相比,映山紅組閤花粉管到達花柱底部速度快、數量多,異常花粉管比率低,部分錦繡杜鵑雜交組閤,花粉管在花柱中、上部生長受阻,錶明映山紅組閤種間雜交親和性較高。親和性較差的雜交組閤,花粉管生長易齣現扭麯、螺鏇、膨大、破裂以及胼胝質過多沉積等現象,但自交與種內雜交組閤也存在各種花粉管生長異常狀況。結果錶明,花粉管異常的類型與雜交親和性無直接聯繫,但異常花粉管齣現的比率與雜交親和性相關。
이영산홍(Rhododendron simsii)급금수두견(Rhododendron pulchrum)위모본,분별여두견속15충두견진행잡교수분시험,관찰수분후화분재주두상맹발여화분관생장상황,분석두견원연잡교조합적친화성。결과현시,소유부본화분도능재영산홍급금수두견주두표면부착병맹발,화분관생장정황화이상화분관적비솔인부본불동이정황각이。여금수두견조합상비,영산홍조합화분관도체화주저부속도쾌、수량다,이상화분관비솔저,부분금수두견잡교조합,화분관재화주중、상부생장수조,표명영산홍조합충간잡교친화성교고。친화성교차적잡교조합,화분관생장역출현뉴곡、라선、팽대、파렬이급변지질과다침적등현상,단자교여충내잡교조합야존재각충화분관생장이상상황。결과표명,화분관이상적류형여잡교친화성무직접련계,단이상화분관출현적비솔여잡교친화성상관。
Rhododendron simsii and Rhododendron pulchrum as maternal parent were crossed with 15 wild Rhododendron species. In order to make clear the interspecific cross compatibility and pre -fertilization barriers, the growth of pollen tube on the stigma and into the style was observed under the epifluorescence microscopy. The results showed that pollens of all cross combinations could be attached and germinated on stigmas of R. simsii and R. pulchrum, however pollen tube growth and the ratio of abnormal pollen tubes were different due to varied male parents. Different abnormalities of arrested pollen tube tips have been detected, including colied, spiralling, swollen, burst, heavy callose deposition on the wall and so on. The growth rate of pollen tube was more rapidly among cross combinations with better cross compatibility such as self - pollination and intraspecific hybridization of R. simsii, and their pollen tubes reached the bottom of style canal more than the cross combinations with worse cross compatibility. Different regions in the style canal and the ovary loculus for expression of pollen tube arrest have been found according to the different crosscombinations. R. simsii as maternal parent, pollen tube of all cross combinations reached the bottom of style canal, although pollen tube abnormality exited in all cross combinations. R. pulchrum as maternal parent, pollen tube growth of several cross combinations was inhibited in upper and lower style canal, and the ratio of pollen tube abnormality was higher. The results indicated R. simsii as maternal parent had better cross compatibility than R. pulchrum. In addition, abnormalities types of arrested pollen tube tips had no concern with cross compatibility, even if inbred combination had abnormal situation of pollen tubes, but emergence ratio of abnormal pollen tube was related to cross compatibility.