culture of learning%disembodiment%embodiment%embodied cognition
During the past centuries, a dominant culture of learning which is disembodied has been shaped by the Cartesian view of knowledge. In the eyes of Cartesians, the knowledge is a substance outside of the people and is devel-oped through the metaphor of I think, therefore I am. This kind of view of knowledge cultivated a disembodied culture of learning, which concentrates on the knowledge delivery in education and develops the metaphor of instructionism in practice. The authors argue that this kind of disembodied culture of learning brought about many negative conse-quences and made the learning boring. In the digital age, an alternative culture of learning characterized as embodied is emerging and attempts to overcome the Descartes’ error. For the embodied culture of learning, there are many es-sential elements, including the ubiquitous information networks, the structured and flexible learning environments, which will reinvent the practice of learning, such as, hanging out, playing, gaming, imagination and so on. In this article, based on the literatures, the authors explore the conceptions of embodied culture of learning and propose the strategies to cultivate it. They argue that this new culture of learning should be established on embodied cognition, which provide three critical concepts as the psychological foundations, including conceptualization, replace-ment and constitution. Conceptualization means that the concepts an organism can acquire are determined, limited, or constrained by the properties of the organism's body. Replacement means that the dynamics of an organism's bodily interaction with the environment replaces the need for representational processing. Constitution means constituents of cognition extend beyond the brain, so the body or world does not play a mere causal role in cognitive processes. From the perspective of embodied cognition, the process of learning is not an information processing mechanism but regarded as a continuous interaction among body, mind and the environments. To building an embodied culture of learning, the authors propose that it’ s necessary to develop a new learning environment through embodied technology. Donald Ihde proposes a framework for us to explore the embodied relation-ship between the people and the technology. In embodiment relations, the embodied technology serves as a transparent means through which one perceives one’ s environment rather than an object of perception. In this case, an embodied technology becomes a technology that is incorporated into one's body schema, which implies that it becomes part of one 's bodily space. Through the embodied technology, an alternative embodied learning environment can be developed for the digital natives. This embodied learning environment is characterized as the mutual interactions between people and environment. The learners learn from the environment and the environment grow through the development of people. In this way, a new relationship between the learners and the environment could be developed and a new culture could be cultivated. In order to build a new embodied culture of learning, besides the support of embodied environment, the authors argue that we also need to make curriculum, teaching, and learning embodied in practice. An embodied curriculum introduces the implicit knowledge and experiences into the curriculum and make the learning content situated in real life. The embodied teaching is about being acutely aware of your audience and makes the learning back to the real world. And the embodied learning makes learning contextualized, body enacted, and perceptive which is based on the body. If we could make curriculum, teaching and learning embodied in practice, a new world for education where people dance with technology could be made real and a new culture of learning could be developed.