power system planning%cascading failure%power system diagnosis%power grid complexity%evolution of power system
为便于对电网连锁故障进行研究,介绍了与电网升级演化的触发息息相关的电力系统发展诊断指标,在此基础上提出一种改进OPA模型。该模型在慢动态环节加入电网规划的作用,模拟负荷变化、发电厂新建扩容、变电站新建扩容、输电线路新建改造等较长时间尺度上的电网演化升级过程;在快动态环节充分考虑调度、继电保护等在连锁故障过程中采取的措施及发挥的作用,模拟由于线路开断或短路、发电机退出运行等故障引发的连锁故障。利用所提模型对河南开封商丘地区220 kV及以上主干电网进行仿真测试,在长时间尺度上模拟电网演化升级的过程,同时统计不同升级触发阈值下的故障规模分布,从而求得系统临界状态所对应的触发阈值。仿真结果表明,文中所提的考虑电力系统规划的OPA 模型能够较好地模拟电网生长演化,反映连锁故障产生和传播的过程,对未来的电网建设及大停电的整体预防有一定指导意义。
為便于對電網連鎖故障進行研究,介紹瞭與電網升級縯化的觸髮息息相關的電力繫統髮展診斷指標,在此基礎上提齣一種改進OPA模型。該模型在慢動態環節加入電網規劃的作用,模擬負荷變化、髮電廠新建擴容、變電站新建擴容、輸電線路新建改造等較長時間呎度上的電網縯化升級過程;在快動態環節充分攷慮調度、繼電保護等在連鎖故障過程中採取的措施及髮揮的作用,模擬由于線路開斷或短路、髮電機退齣運行等故障引髮的連鎖故障。利用所提模型對河南開封商丘地區220 kV及以上主榦電網進行倣真測試,在長時間呎度上模擬電網縯化升級的過程,同時統計不同升級觸髮閾值下的故障規模分佈,從而求得繫統臨界狀態所對應的觸髮閾值。倣真結果錶明,文中所提的攷慮電力繫統規劃的OPA 模型能夠較好地模擬電網生長縯化,反映連鎖故障產生和傳播的過程,對未來的電網建設及大停電的整體預防有一定指導意義。
위편우대전망련쇄고장진행연구,개소료여전망승급연화적촉발식식상관적전력계통발전진단지표,재차기출상제출일충개진OPA모형。해모형재만동태배절가입전망규화적작용,모의부하변화、발전엄신건확용、변전참신건확용、수전선로신건개조등교장시간척도상적전망연화승급과정;재쾌동태배절충분고필조도、계전보호등재련쇄고장과정중채취적조시급발휘적작용,모의유우선로개단혹단로、발전궤퇴출운행등고장인발적련쇄고장。이용소제모형대하남개봉상구지구220 kV급이상주간전망진행방진측시,재장시간척도상모의전망연화승급적과정,동시통계불동승급촉발역치하적고장규모분포,종이구득계통림계상태소대응적촉발역치。방진결과표명,문중소제적고필전력계통규화적OPA 모형능구교호지모의전망생장연화,반영련쇄고장산생화전파적과정,대미래적전망건설급대정전적정체예방유일정지도의의。
For ease of studying cascading failures in power system, a power system diagnosis index system, which is closely linked with the triggering by the upgrade and the evolution of power system, is presented and on this basis an improved OPA model is proposed. The actions of the upgrade and the evolution of power system are added to the slow dynamic link of the proposed model to simulate the process of the upgrade and the evolution of power system in a longer time scale such as load variation, new construction or capacity increase of power plant, new construction or renovation of transmission lines and so on; in the fast dynamic link of the proposed model the actions of scheduling measures and protective relaying during cascading failures are fully taken into account to simulate cascading failures caused by accidents such as transmission line trip out, short-circuit faults, generator outage and so on. The proposed model is applied in the test of 220 kV and above backbone lines located in Kaifeng-Shangqiu area in Henan province to simulate the process of the upgrade and the evolution of power system in long time scale, meanwhile the statistics of the failure scale distribution under different triggering thresholds of the upgrade is performed, thus the triggering threshold corresponding to the critical state of power system is attained. Simulation results show that the proposed OPA model, in which the power system planning is taken into account, can simulate the expansion and evolution of power system well, and reflect the occurrence and spreading of cascaded failures, so it is helpful to power system construction and blackout prevention in the future.