diseases%image processing%support vector machine%wheat take-all%land spectral image%remote sensing monitoring%grey association analysis
小麦全蚀病是检疫性的土传病害,对小麦生产危害极大,对其发生的监测是治理的根本。遥感技术可实时、宏观监测病害发生发展,尤其是成像光谱技术的图谱合一,可精准对病害识别和分类。该文首先通过主成分分析提取不同小麦白穗率的冠层光谱特征;再通过灰色聚类分析方法,研究白穗率等级的可分性;最后利用基于径向基(RBF,radial basis function)核函数的支持向量机对全蚀病害的近地成像高光谱图像进行分类,从而验证近地成像光谱在全蚀病监测上的可行性。研究结果显示:该方法对5种程度的小麦全蚀病白穗率的分类精度均达94%以上,Kappa值大于0.8。研究表明利用该方法,通过近地成像光谱图像可以准确监测小麦全蚀病的病情,对小麦全蚀病的治理有指导意义。
小麥全蝕病是檢疫性的土傳病害,對小麥生產危害極大,對其髮生的鑑測是治理的根本。遙感技術可實時、宏觀鑑測病害髮生髮展,尤其是成像光譜技術的圖譜閤一,可精準對病害識彆和分類。該文首先通過主成分分析提取不同小麥白穗率的冠層光譜特徵;再通過灰色聚類分析方法,研究白穗率等級的可分性;最後利用基于徑嚮基(RBF,radial basis function)覈函數的支持嚮量機對全蝕病害的近地成像高光譜圖像進行分類,從而驗證近地成像光譜在全蝕病鑑測上的可行性。研究結果顯示:該方法對5種程度的小麥全蝕病白穗率的分類精度均達94%以上,Kappa值大于0.8。研究錶明利用該方法,通過近地成像光譜圖像可以準確鑑測小麥全蝕病的病情,對小麥全蝕病的治理有指導意義。
소맥전식병시검역성적토전병해,대소맥생산위해겁대,대기발생적감측시치리적근본。요감기술가실시、굉관감측병해발생발전,우기시성상광보기술적도보합일,가정준대병해식별화분류。해문수선통과주성분분석제취불동소맥백수솔적관층광보특정;재통과회색취류분석방법,연구백수솔등급적가분성;최후이용기우경향기(RBF,radial basis function)핵함수적지지향량궤대전식병해적근지성상고광보도상진행분류,종이험증근지성상광보재전식병감측상적가행성。연구결과현시:해방법대5충정도적소맥전식병백수솔적분류정도균체94%이상,Kappa치대우0.8。연구표명이용해방법,통과근지성상광보도상가이준학감측소맥전식병적병정,대소맥전식병적치리유지도의의。
Wheat take-all is a quarantine disease, which will lead to a disaster in wheat production without timely monitoring and management. Remote sensing technique, especially the field-based imaging spectrum technique, can achieve real-time monitoring of the disease development. For rapid extraction of take-all disease information, we try to monitor wheat take-all disease using imaging spectrometer. The experiment was carried out in Baisha village, Yuanyang County of China. We designed test of three concentration gradients and repeated three times, the experimental field was 30 m2. The wheat take-all white head rate was surveyed two weeks before harvest. The wheat’s canopy spectrum was collected by two kinds of spectrometer, ASD Handheld non-imaging spectrometer (ASD Handheld, ASD Inc.) and Headwall imaging spectrometer (HyperSpec? VNIR, Headwall Photonics, Inc.). All data were collected between 10:00 to 13:00 in sunny days. In this study, based on gray association analysis (GAA) and support vector machine (SVM) classifier, a spectral feature extraction and classification method was proposed to separate the spectral features of the different take-all levels from spectral images. The field-based spectral images were acquired by Headwall imaging sensor. Meanwhile, the spectral data about different white head rate were collected by ASD HandHeld non-imaging sensor. Because of better accuracy and resolution, ASD spectral data had a better capacity to express the spectral features of take-all levels. These spectral features were extracted using kernel principle component analysis (K-PCA). Characteristic bands of the first four of principal component was mainly green band, red band and near infrared band, indicated in the spectrum curve, peak and valley phenomenon was the main distinguishing feature of white head rate and take-all disease grade. Then Jeffries-Matusita distances between feature bands were calculated, if Jeffries-Matusita distances between feature bands were greater than 1.8, the selected characteristic bands can distinguish different damage degree of wheat take-all disease. The spectral separability of take-all levels was tested and assessed by grey association analysis. Based on these significant features, some of Headwall imaging spectral data with different take-all levels were selected as the training data for the field-based spectral images. Through the SVM classifier based on RBF kernel function, a hyperspectral classification image of take-all was calculated. Results showed that the wheat take-all widely existed in the experimental zone, but its distribution had own specific characteristic with different disease levels. The slight disease wheat and the heavy disease wheat were mixture in the experimental zone. The distribution characteristics of serious take-all wheat disease (white head rate greater than 60%) were intensive and block. Slight wheat disease (white head rate between 10%-30%) were widely distributed in the middle of heavy wheat disease(white ear rate between 30%-60%), the proportion of slight wheat disease and heavy heat disease was 29.53% and 26.06%, respectively, very serious wheat take-all disease (white head rate between 60%-90%) and death of wheat disease showed regional distribution in the image, accounted for 10.73% and 19.91%.The overall accuracy of the classification was greater than 94% (Kappa>0.8). To further validate the classification accuracy, field experiment survey data was compared with the spectral classification, misclassification existed mainly in white head rate 30%~40%.These results proves the field-based imaging spectrum has the capacity to achieve the real-time monitoring and classification of wheat take-all condition, and to support the guidance on wheat production.