Eucalyptus%Callus induction%Adventitious bud induction%Hybrid line
以尾巨桉(Eucalyptus urophylla伊E. Grandis)白化苗茎段为外植体,进行愈伤诱导和芽诱导获得不定芽,建立了生产上广泛应用的桉树优良杂交品系 DH32-29高效离体再生体系.户外采集桉树2~3年生尾巨桉 DH32-29枝条进行无性系繁殖,生根苗去除顶芽在无激素 MS+蔗糖5%培养基上黑暗培养获得白化苗,以此白化苗茎切段3~6 mm 为外植体,在 TDZ、CPPU、Zt 和 KT 分别与 NAA 组合诱导愈伤组织形成,结果表明 TDZ 和 CPPU 的效果好,愈伤诱导率达100%;所得愈伤组织在含0.5 mg/L BAA 和0.1 mg/L NAA 芽诱导培养基上诱导不定芽的形成,CPPU 诱导的愈伤组织不定芽诱导率最高,达83.42%;诱导芽经过伸长和生根阶段形成再生植株,生根率为92.17%.本体系所用材料为无性系无菌苗,易得到大量均一的材料,具有很高的再生率,为利用现代分子育种技术对桉树的遗传改良奠定了良好的基础.
以尾巨桉(Eucalyptus urophylla伊E. Grandis)白化苗莖段為外植體,進行愈傷誘導和芽誘導穫得不定芽,建立瞭生產上廣汎應用的桉樹優良雜交品繫 DH32-29高效離體再生體繫.戶外採集桉樹2~3年生尾巨桉 DH32-29枝條進行無性繫繁殖,生根苗去除頂芽在無激素 MS+蔗糖5%培養基上黑暗培養穫得白化苗,以此白化苗莖切段3~6 mm 為外植體,在 TDZ、CPPU、Zt 和 KT 分彆與 NAA 組閤誘導愈傷組織形成,結果錶明 TDZ 和 CPPU 的效果好,愈傷誘導率達100%;所得愈傷組織在含0.5 mg/L BAA 和0.1 mg/L NAA 芽誘導培養基上誘導不定芽的形成,CPPU 誘導的愈傷組織不定芽誘導率最高,達83.42%;誘導芽經過伸長和生根階段形成再生植株,生根率為92.17%.本體繫所用材料為無性繫無菌苗,易得到大量均一的材料,具有很高的再生率,為利用現代分子育種技術對桉樹的遺傳改良奠定瞭良好的基礎.
이미거안(Eucalyptus urophylla이E. Grandis)백화묘경단위외식체,진행유상유도화아유도획득불정아,건립료생산상엄범응용적안수우량잡교품계 DH32-29고효리체재생체계.호외채집안수2~3년생미거안 DH32-29지조진행무성계번식,생근묘거제정아재무격소 MS+자당5%배양기상흑암배양획득백화묘,이차백화묘경절단3~6 mm 위외식체,재 TDZ、CPPU、Zt 화 KT 분별여 NAA 조합유도유상조직형성,결과표명 TDZ 화 CPPU 적효과호,유상유도솔체100%;소득유상조직재함0.5 mg/L BAA 화0.1 mg/L NAA 아유도배양기상유도불정아적형성,CPPU 유도적유상조직불정아유도솔최고,체83.42%;유도아경과신장화생근계단형성재생식주,생근솔위92.17%.본체계소용재료위무성계무균묘,역득도대량균일적재료,구유흔고적재생솔,위이용현대분자육충기술대안수적유전개량전정료량호적기출.
Whitened internodal stems were used as explants to establish a high efficient regeneration protocol for Eucalyptus urophyllaíE. Grandis elite hybrid line DH32-29 which are widely planted in China. Micro-propagation were established from a 2 to 3-year old DH32-29 and then rooted plant cut shoot apices were incubated on MS medium with 5% sugar in dark to obtain whitened plantlet. Calli were induced from internodal stems derived from whitened plantlet stems with 3 to 6 mm length incubated on a B5 medium, supplemented with different kinds and concentrations of plant growth regulating substances, at highest frequency to 100%. After 21 days,the calli ob-tained were transferred to B5 medium including 0.5 mg/L BAA and 0.1 mg/L NAA obtained highest frequency to 83.42%. Shoot elongation was then stimulated on MS medium supplemented with BA, NAA for 20 to 30 days and 20 mm long shoots were cultivated on root induction medium for 25 days and rooted frequency up to 92.17%. The merit of this method is that abundant resource and genetic stability explants can be used to construct regeneration of eucalyptus at high frequency system that will be an efficient tool for introducing interesting genes into eucalyp-tus which is still considered recalcitrant.