fermentation%pesticides%bacteria%Bacillus thuringiensis%biogas residues
沼渣是沼气工程中产生的副产物,由于其富含营养物质及微量元素,而广泛应用于农业,畜牧业,养殖业等方面.Bt生物农药是一类具有选择性和高效性的杀虫剂,但是由于其原料的成本较高从而限制了生物农药的发展,而沼渣中富含微生物所需要的各种养分并且价格低廉,因此该文以生产沼气后的沼渣为资源,运用固态发酵,探索了利用沼渣制备苏云金杆菌生物农药的可行性.首先对沼渣营养成分进行了分析,分析表明其营养物质丰富,适合苏云金芽孢杆菌的生长与增殖.其次对菌种的沼渣培养基进行了优化,优化后的培养基质量分数为:50%的沼渣添加35%啤酒糟,10%玉米粉,5%豆饼粉,并与常规培养基和单纯沼渣的发酵进程进行了对比.在优化培养基条件下,发酵48 h后,芽孢数达到5.23×1010 CFU/g,毒力效价为16100 IU/mg.在传统培养基中芽孢数2.55×1010 CFU/g,毒力效价12500 IU/mg,而在单纯沼渣中Bt产量及毒性为1.74×108 CFU/g,6000 IU/mg.采用沼渣发酵制备Bt生物农药与传统培养基比较,降低了36.3%的生产成本,且发酵性能优良,也为沼渣的利用寻找到崭新的途径.
沼渣是沼氣工程中產生的副產物,由于其富含營養物質及微量元素,而廣汎應用于農業,畜牧業,養殖業等方麵.Bt生物農藥是一類具有選擇性和高效性的殺蟲劑,但是由于其原料的成本較高從而限製瞭生物農藥的髮展,而沼渣中富含微生物所需要的各種養分併且價格低廉,因此該文以生產沼氣後的沼渣為資源,運用固態髮酵,探索瞭利用沼渣製備囌雲金桿菌生物農藥的可行性.首先對沼渣營養成分進行瞭分析,分析錶明其營養物質豐富,適閤囌雲金芽孢桿菌的生長與增殖.其次對菌種的沼渣培養基進行瞭優化,優化後的培養基質量分數為:50%的沼渣添加35%啤酒糟,10%玉米粉,5%豆餅粉,併與常規培養基和單純沼渣的髮酵進程進行瞭對比.在優化培養基條件下,髮酵48 h後,芽孢數達到5.23×1010 CFU/g,毒力效價為16100 IU/mg.在傳統培養基中芽孢數2.55×1010 CFU/g,毒力效價12500 IU/mg,而在單純沼渣中Bt產量及毒性為1.74×108 CFU/g,6000 IU/mg.採用沼渣髮酵製備Bt生物農藥與傳統培養基比較,降低瞭36.3%的生產成本,且髮酵性能優良,也為沼渣的利用尋找到嶄新的途徑.
소사시소기공정중산생적부산물,유우기부함영양물질급미량원소,이엄범응용우농업,축목업,양식업등방면.Bt생물농약시일류구유선택성화고효성적살충제,단시유우기원료적성본교고종이한제료생물농약적발전,이소사중부함미생물소수요적각충양분병차개격저렴,인차해문이생산소기후적소사위자원,운용고태발효,탐색료이용소사제비소운금간균생물농약적가행성.수선대소사영양성분진행료분석,분석표명기영양물질봉부,괄합소운금아포간균적생장여증식.기차대균충적소사배양기진행료우화,우화후적배양기질량분수위:50%적소사첨가35%비주조,10%옥미분,5%두병분,병여상규배양기화단순소사적발효진정진행료대비.재우화배양기조건하,발효48 h후,아포수체도5.23×1010 CFU/g,독력효개위16100 IU/mg.재전통배양기중아포수2.55×1010 CFU/g,독력효개12500 IU/mg,이재단순소사중Bt산량급독성위1.74×108 CFU/g,6000 IU/mg.채용소사발효제비Bt생물농약여전통배양기비교,강저료36.3%적생산성본,차발효성능우량,야위소사적이용심조도참신적도경.
@@@@Biogas residue is the main byproduct from the biogas process. It has been widely used in agriculture and stockbreeding for its rich content of nutriments and microelements. Bio-pesticides derived from Bacillus thuringiensis are the most well-known biological agents for selective control of pest insects. However, the high cost of raw materials is one of the key factors hindering their development speed and scale. Recently, some cheap raw materials such as maize starch, wheat bran, rice straw and wastewater sludge have been successfully substituted for more expensive media. Biogas residue is renewable, low-cost, and is composed of organic material that contains the necessary nutritional elements to sustain the growth of microbes. In this study, Biogas residues were used as a substrate for bio-pesticides production by solid state fermentation. Principal component analysis of biogas residue indicated that it was well suited for the growth of Bacillus thuringiensis in the experiments. The culture medium recipe was optimized by the orthogonal test. Brewer's grain, corn meal, soybean cake power and mixed ions were chosen to carry out the study. @@@@The results showed that brewer’s grain had the biggest effects on the growth of Bacillus thuringiensis and then followed the growth effects of corn meal, soybean cake power and mixed ions. Ultimately, the optimum media were 50% biogas residues, 35% brewer's grain, 10% corn meal, and 5% soybean cake power. This article compared the fermentation process among conventional media, only biogas residues media and the optimum media, under the optimized conditions. Spore counts of 5.23×1010 CFU/g and entomotoxicity of 16100 IU/mg were obtained after 48h fermentation, while 2.55×1010 CFU/g spore counts and 12500 IU/mg entomotoxicity were obtained in the conventional medium, and 1.74×108 CFU/g spore counts and 6000 IU/mg entomotoxicity were found in the only biogas residue medium. At last, by comparing the cost between conventional medium and the optimum media, the cost could be lowered by 36.3%. The present study proved the feasibility of using kitchen waste for the production of bio-pesticides, and it seemed to be a promising alternative for the use of conventional mediums to reduce the costs.